Yes Yes, the D2866 kickdown points are not fine-tune. I have reuploaded the file with a consist file for the AP1400 (The D2866 bus) and it now has kickdown values more in the rpm range of the engine (2866). Still not fine tune though! While the transmission is in Kickdown mode, topodyn is being over written with the kickdown value. From 0-99% throttle is when the topodyn is used, at 100% kickdown shifting values gets used.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 103 Anmeldedatum : 24.08.09 Alter : 32 Ort : Spanien
Yes Yes, the D2866 kickdown points are not fine-tune. I have reuploaded the file with a consist file for the AP1400 (The D2866 bus) and it now has kickdown values more in the rpm range of the engine (2866). Still not fine tune though! While the transmission is in Kickdown mode, topodyn is being over written with the kickdown value. From 0-99% throttle is when the topodyn is used, at 100% kickdown shifting values gets used.
Also I have a little problem, on Great Grundorf there are many bus-stops that they're on a steep hill, when I floor the pedal to 100% the bus doesn't react, it feels like it don't have any power on the engine, it doesn't rev's up, so I can't continue... never happened before
Anzahl der Beiträge : 413 Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09 Alter : 39 Ort : Philadelphia PA
Yes Yes, the D2866 kickdown points are not fine-tune. I have reuploaded the file with a consist file for the AP1400 (The D2866 bus) and it now has kickdown values more in the rpm range of the engine (2866). Still not fine tune though! While the transmission is in Kickdown mode, topodyn is being over written with the kickdown value. From 0-99% throttle is when the topodyn is used, at 100% kickdown shifting values gets used.
Also I have a little problem, on Great Grundorf there are many bus-stops that they're on a steep hill, when I floor the pedal to 100% the bus doesn't react, it feels like it don't have any power on the engine, it doesn't rev's up, so I can't continue... never happened before
Yea the torque limitor needs to be raised, open up the gearbox file and find throttleinjection_governor values, tweak values
throttleinjection_governor - 1st gear before unlock throttleinjection_governor_2 lock 1st gear
i am going to make a manual/readme PDF on the ZF transmission explaining the various types of settings that are being used..
The highest is 1 for full power. I can raise the governor to allow the engine to run at 85% power in the 1st gear. Sorry about that. I used the pre-power loss values.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 413 Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09 Alter : 39 Ort : Philadelphia PA
-fixed the torque curve on the D2866 and limited the throttle at 73% in the unlocked portion of first gear. That's going to be it for the time being until a turbocharger gets implemented, I am making some progress on that script as well.
-Got automatic neutral at standstill working with automatic neutral at standstill whine sound gradually fading in - sound provided by powerbycng -power loss will be incorporated onto Ecomat transmissions -Much more
-Got automatic neutral at standstill working with automatic neutral at standstill whine sound gradually fading in - sound provided by powerbycng -power loss will be incorporated onto Ecomat transmissions -Much more
The vehicle does not turn to neutral, when standing and activating the bust stop brake. My steering wheel is still vibrating. Sometimes the problem can be solved by releasing the bust stop brake and than activating it again.
Also the first and second gear are reacting a bit "jiggi" when the gas pedal is relased and he bus just rolls. An error also occurs, wehen holding the bust stop break. The d92 usually takes no gas then, the pedal is like "disabled". Iin your version the bus does.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 413 Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09 Alter : 39 Ort : Philadelphia PA
I can not replicate those issues....Well the ANS does not get activated in it's proper form until RC7. then again I do not have a steering wheel, all i have to drive with is a mouse.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 62 Anmeldedatum : 30.04.11 Alter : 41 Ort : germany
-Got automatic neutral at standstill working with automatic neutral at standstill whine sound gradually fading in - sound provided by powerbycng -power loss will be incorporated onto Ecomat transmissions -Much more
We're still waiting
Anzahl der Beiträge : 166 Anmeldedatum : 08.03.11 Alter : 35
Hallo ich habe cfolgendes Problem ich habe dne mod istalliert und wollte von meinem d93 runter auf eien bus mit dme neuen zf getriebe und da bekomme ich erst eien meldung ungültiger name und dann die meldung eienr zugriffsverletzung ich bräcuhte mal hilfe habe mal ein screen gemacht [img][/img][img][/img]
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1605 Anmeldedatum : 28.04.09 Alter : 27 Ort : Kiel, Germany
Hallo ich habe cfolgendes Problem ich habe dne mod istalliert und wollte von meinem d93 runter auf eien bus mit dme neuen zf getriebe und da bekomme ich erst eien meldung ungültiger name und dann die meldung eienr zugriffsverletzung ich bräcuhte mal hilfe habe mal ein screen gemacht [img][/img][img][/img]
If you just installed patch 3 alone you will encounter errors
Anzahl der Beiträge : 77 Anmeldedatum : 25.05.11 Ort : Berlin
Thema: Re: ZF Ecomat/Ecolife Transmission Script 1.00 RC6 Beta - Patch 3 Heute um 18:15
from ktzt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nachteule schrieb: Hallo ich habe cfolgendes Problem ich habe dne mod istalliert und wollte von meinem d93 runter auf eien bus mit dme neuen zf getriebe und da bekomme ich erst eien meldung ungültiger name und dann die meldung eienr zugriffsverletzung ich bräcuhte mal hilfe habe mal ein screen gemacht [img][/img][img][/img] If you just installed patch 3 alone you will encounter errors
Ich have installes zf script rc6 and patch 1 2 and 3 and not functionatet
how can you help please me
Ich habe das zf skript rc 6 patch 1 2 und 3 installiert und es funktioniert immer noch nicht was mache ich falsch könbnt ihr mir helfen
OVS driver
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1046 Anmeldedatum : 01.08.10 Alter : 29 Ort : Bad Blankenburg