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 Mesh in Blender

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 512
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11

Mesh in Blender  Empty
BeitragThema: Mesh in Blender    Mesh in Blender  Icon_minitimeMi 20 Jul - 17:01

I am learning the software that brought us his fab simulatior at last! Still a noob, but wandering if i could ask some stupid questions to know more Very Happy

First, if i want to copy the rear of a bus and perfect that to get it looking how i want it to, an example would be the rear of the Mercedes Citaro G , what would i need to do to shape the mesh, obviously change the size of the cube to the actual size of the bus I want to model?? Or What i am clueless as to how to word it!, Trying!!

Second: what size are the buses in Omsi? And if i loaded the bus into Blender from Omsi would i be able to see how it's put together?

Put it this way when i learnt to produce music and put sound to film, it was looking at the building blocks that make up the layers, i know 3D design isn't that far off, it's complex fair enough but simple steps.

If anyone can chip in please do!
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Mesh in Blender
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