The whole point here (for me that is) is that I find it hard to play for hours with such low fps. The bus (interior) isn't the problem but the scenery, traffic etc. is.
And computing power for physics etc. is absolutely understandable, but the logic isn't' there when the game utilizes 1/4 CPU cores and around 40% GPU. There should be plenty of power left to fix this. It's not like I think everyone has a gaming PC like I do, but most desktop PC's comes with 2 cores these days so there should be something to gain for everyone.[/quote]
Yes I know, it's really hard to play prolonged, it hurts my eyes. I also can't believe how unoptimized this is, for the same price as the biggest titles out there.
But I live with it, play it on medium gfx till they fix it - they must....!
Then again, who am I to judge them, I don't know how hard it is to write a gfx engine from ground up, and they did a great job on AI, traffic, etc, too.
I am a programmer but never got into engines and directx myself, so I won;t know.
Still, even if implementing the utilization of 2 cores would be a hard task (many, many games don't support it), tghe CPU and VGA use should be much better..... it's not a lot to ask from a game developer.
Let's hope!