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 How to lay roads...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 19
Anmeldedatum : 09.05.11
Alter : 37

How to lay roads... Empty
BeitragThema: How to lay roads...   How to lay roads... Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 21:53

Hi, this probably sounds really stupid but I'm trying to build my own map and I can't figure out how to place a road. It must be really simple, but I can't figure it out.

I can load splines but how do I then place that on to the map? I tried clicking and dragging on to the map but that doesn't work. I tried double clicking, I tired right clicking... but nothing seems to happen. All I have is a blank map.

The same problem with objects - how do I put an object on to the map when I've selected which one I want?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476
Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11
Alter : 39
Ort : Hannover

How to lay roads... Empty
BeitragThema: Re: How to lay roads...   How to lay roads... Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 22:51

the unbelievable magic of the button "N" will be with you! Wink just select an object or spline by left clicking, move the mouse into the map, press N (for new), and the piece will "hanging on the cursor". you can pick up the objects again, if you click on them on the map and press G (for grab).
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How to lay roads...
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