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 Low air pressure sound?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 273
Anmeldedatum : 08.11.10

Low air pressure sound? Empty
BeitragThema: Low air pressure sound?   Low air pressure sound? Icon_minitimeDi 11 Okt - 21:23

so just a quick question how can i add a sound for when the air pressure is low (when the red light on the dash comes on and the doors become slow. IE low pressure) been looking at the sound config but i have no idea where the trigger for airpressure is
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 413
Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09
Alter : 39
Ort : Philadelphia PA

Low air pressure sound? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Low air pressure sound?   Low air pressure sound? Icon_minitimeMi 12 Okt - 2:14

rzr09 schrieb:
so just a quick question how can i add a sound for when the air pressure is low (when the red light on the dash comes on and the doors become slow. IE low pressure) been looking at the sound config but i have no idea where the trigger for airpressure is
There is! You can even program so that if the brakes gets overused for an certain period of time while going downhill that the brakes would smoke and become ineffective, heck you can even program if the engine temperature gets too hot that the bus would have slow acceleration. OMSI is realistic, what you can do is almost endless.

As far as your question, just look for the line of code which controls when the low pressure light lights up, all you need to do from there is to add an t.v.yoursoundtigger with an appending entry within the sound file. The line of code would likely be seen from within the brake script file, if not within that file then certainly within the cockpit file.
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Low air pressure sound?
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