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 Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 139
Anmeldedatum : 10.02.11
Ort : Paris, France

Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ? Empty
BeitragThema: Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ?   Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ? Icon_minitimeMo 20 Jun - 11:34

Hello, Smile

For some time I make videos about OMSI. But the problem with Fraps is that the video stutters. I already tried Camstudio but it does not work when I read the video shows the window of OMSI (or WOS 3) Black ... Y is there any other software Fraps ? confused

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 139
Anmeldedatum : 10.02.11
Ort : Paris, France

Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ?   Fraps and OMSI (or WOS 3) ? Icon_minitimeDi 21 Jun - 15:56


confused confused confused

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