As some of are aware, or part of, I am in the process of creating some OMSI-Driver rotas, revolving around the following maps (with more maps to be added)
I have decided to currently liquidise the rota A-C and N, and just make one big rota for all the drivers to work off. If you do not like this idea, please let me know. But this is only a temporary measure until I have created a large majority of rotas, and signed up many OMSI-drivers.
I have also decided to allow easy access to all of you, I will upload the rota files, including the neccessary driver order, as documents on this forum post. This will also be updated on the blog for existing drivers.
Please note that while I create these rotas, I am not asking you to spend 8 hours a day playing the full shift. You may split that 8 hour in-game day into 5 real days, but as long as you follow the order provided the best you can. Also it is not a multiplayer, merely just a downloadable document to have fun working towards as if you were in the real world.
Finally I have added links above to the maps we will be using (the top two are already included in the game). This list will continously grow as new maps are developed, ie Tropical City.
This is the list of current drivers. To make yourself a driver, just reply to the thread below with your name below. There will be a one week grace period (until Sunday 20th March 2011), to which you will be automatically be placed on the MAIN rota. After this you will be placed on a STARTER rota for a few weeks and then moved over to the MAIN rota. This will allow me to make changes to the MAIN rota to accomadate you. This equally means during the next few months, the MAIN rota will be constantly being added to. Basically one new driver = one new rota card. The STARTER rota will remain stationary.
The first batch of rotas are now finally up after much delay from my end! I have done my best to work it around the most current timetables. I have included some instructions on the last page of the rotas.
I did miss a piece of information on it. The word PICK UP simply means that you will either taking over a AI BUS (so as stops like HEERSTR on the rota, you will wait until the AI bus comes and then click on it, and then drive it from there) or if you have driven dead to a place, such as GRUNDORF BAY, you would just select a rota via the top pane.
The word DROP OFF equally means that you will just give it back to the computer to drive.
To move to a PICK UP point such as HEERSTR, just go on F4 (not having selected a bus), and move in the normal way around the map until you find the stop (most PICK UP points are literally 1-2minute walk, so a couple of clicks!)
If you need any more help let me know, and if you see any bugs in the rotas also let me know. No beginner rota yet as there are none of those drivers.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope you join our virtual driving team soon. We look forward to your application to be a driver with us!
Zuletzt von flippy1008 am Mo 28 März - 14:13 bearbeitet; insgesamt 7-mal bearbeitet
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2 Anmeldedatum : 13.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas So 13 März - 22:32
Can you throw me on the list too please flippy?
Anzahl der Beiträge : 29 Anmeldedatum : 14.02.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Mo 14 März - 19:30
and me please
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Mo 14 März - 20:04
Both of you consider yourselves added to list, as you can see above.
I will be accepted 2 more applications for MAIN rota. After this, you will be placed onto the STARTER rota. The STARTER rota is much smaller and frequent repetition than that of the MAIN rota, and is only there to provide challenge, locality to the depot in case of an incident, and until we have developed a slot for you in the MAIN rota. Equally, if one of our drivers leave, you will be bumped into their slot to maintain the equilibrium.
I hope you understand the reasons behind the neccessity of the STARTER rota, and we as the OMSI-Driver Rota group DO NOT think any less of any employee based on rota decisions. We all have our pros and cons!
NOTE TO ALL MAIN DRIVERS - Can you all please make sure you have the following map addons (as well as Berlin included)
MINOR - these are very rarely covered in the MAIN rota at the present moment in time. Of 14 shifts, only 1-3 would include this MEDIUM - these are more occassional visitors to the MAIN rota at the present moment in time. Of 14 shifts, around 3-7 would include this MAJOR - these are frequent maps used in the MAIN rota at the present moment in time. Of 14 shifts, 7-10 would include this
Grundorf WILL NOT be on the MAIN rota, only on the STARTER rota Equally Lines 2 and 4 will not be the MAIN rota for Pilzdorf, with 5 and 6 being the most frequently used.
One more application for MAIN rota, before Thursday 9pm please.
Any driver after that will be placed on a temp STARTER rota.
Rota cards will be available shortly after.
Apologys for the delays.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Do 17 März - 21:58
Applications for MAIN rota have NOW CLOSED
To all current MAIN drivers, your rota shifts will be with you on this forum very shortly!
As mentioned before, rotas are constantly changing, so check back regulary.
The next change will be to accomodate davidroger's 100 and 200 routes, and of course fix any other anomolies.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 373 Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Sa 19 März - 0:54
Flippy.. I'll give this a go if there's room... even if it means going on the temp starter rota
Anzahl der Beiträge : 533 Anmeldedatum : 02.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Sa 19 März - 15:37
There's something I don't get ...
How could you know that "drivers" will drive the scheduled routes? And is it gonna be scheduled by you or what?
And please explain meaning of "rota" - Im not english and do not exactly understand what's that word is Google Translator says: "rota" --> "order" in Polish Is it right?
Newcastle Buses
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2 Anmeldedatum : 14.05.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Mi 23 März - 1:09
After reading this forum I had an idea on how to improve this.
The basic idea is we would run the 92/ 13N for a whole weekend, splitting all the runs into shifts which could then be allocated to those who were available to drive them. In order to do this a number of roster groups would be made up:
Am's 1 Day Fulltime 1 Day Partime 2 Day Fulltime 2 Day Partime
Pm's 1 Day Fulltime 1 Day Partime 2 Day Fulltime 2 Day Partime
Overnights 1 Day Fulltime 1 Day Partime 2 Day Fulltime 2 Day Partime
Rotating 1.5 Day Fulltime (one full day, one half day) - shifts off any roster
Holiday Relief Scrap roster for new drivers, to cover any work in the roster.
Drivers would apply for the roster group which suits them best.
Shift Lengths A full time shift would be 8hrs long with approx. 1hr mealbreak. Partime shifts would be 4hrs long or so.
Rewards & Overtime Hours worked would be accrued. You can then cash in hrs to have time off in the next round. A running total of your hrs would be kept for the purpose of seniority. Seniority would allow you preference to change rosters or go for the higher position of Duty Manager, which will be discussed further down.
Overtime would be paid at time and half. If your day off is cancelled and your are needed and accept the shift, you will get double time.
Communication, Time and General Running
Communication would be via a facebook profile, which the duty manager would log into. In this way we can communicate in Real time and report accidents needing a changeover bus, late running needing an extra trip and so on. It would also provide a means of signing on and off, aswell as posting information regarding rosters, applications for day's off etc.
The game would run to Berlin time over the course of a weekend, beginning at midnight on friday and finishing when the last 92 comes in of a Sunday.
On the page(possibly in the photos section a roster with the persons name/ staff number and there shifts for the next round would be displayed. They would then take down the shift number and check the Journal for that shift in another file. the journal contains the trips they do, when they start and finish, mealbreaks etc.
There would be 3 8hr shifts of Duty Managers to cover the days work.
Ofocurse more details would be posted once such a system was agreed upon and running, but for now post any questions or suggestions you may have.
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Do 24 März - 12:37
That sounds a good idea 'Newcastle Buses', gives it some context and purpose.
Are you 'Newcastle Buses' as in Newcastle-upon-Tyne?
I am currently planning a OMSI map modelling the Stagecoach Newcastle Route 38 (Whickham View - Freeman Hosp).
Anzahl der Beiträge : 373 Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Fr 25 März - 21:28
where are we on this?
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Fr 25 März - 21:36
Ive been away this hopefully Monday.
And thanking the guys above for some useful idea which, when I get around to it, will apply with the rotas!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 373 Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Fr 25 März - 21:38
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas So 27 März - 18:32
After much delay, sorry, rotas are nearly complete, ready for tommorow.
Our good friend davidrogers, however, has done something terrible/brilliant and released Spandau in modern day M37 world. The question lies if we should just initially stick to the original 92 map or replace the rota with M37. If as many drivers could let me know asap that would be brilliant.
PLEASE NOTE : None of the other maps will be used at the moment, only the above maps!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 373 Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas So 27 März - 18:38
I only had ten minutes tonight to go over David's route, but I have no doubts from what I saw so far that we sould go for the His map..There are a couple of issues which he is sorting out, and maybe there may be more over the next few days as people try it but David is very quick at solving these. so yeah would be nice to see this one involved in it.
D. L. Wade
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4 Anmeldedatum : 07.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas So 27 März - 21:20
i think we should definitely include the m37 map instead of 92 as it is most up to date to real life.
Operator 48591.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 533 Anmeldedatum : 02.03.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas So 27 März - 21:27
Still don't see ANY point to take a part of it.
How will it works?
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Mo 28 März - 14:11
The first batch of rotas are now finally up after much delay from my end! I have done my best to work it around the most current timetables. I have included some instructions on the last page of the rotas.
I did miss a piece of information on it. The word PICK UP simply means that you will either taking over a AI BUS (so as stops like HEERSTR on the rota, you will wait until the AI bus comes and then click on it, and then drive it from there) or if you have driven dead to a place, such as GRUNDORF BAY, you would just select a rota via the top pane.
The word DROP OFF equally means that you will just give it back to the computer to drive.
To move to a PICK UP point such as HEERSTR, just go on F4 (not having selected a bus), and move in the normal way around the map until you find the stop (most PICK UP points are literally 1-2minute walk, so a couple of clicks!)
If you need any more help let me know, and if you see any bugs in the rotas also let me know. No beginner rota yet as there are none of those drivers.
DEAD TO REIM 08.20 PICK UP (92E-5) 08.30 REIMERWEG 09.57 STADTGRENZ 10.00 PICK UP (926) 10.13 HEERSTR 11.59
Shift starts at 15.15 yet you want me to go dead to Reim at 08.20 ?
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Mo 28 März - 20:05
well i did that on purpose
yep start at about 8.17 and finish at 12.10 at depot. short day for you today!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3 Anmeldedatum : 15.01.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Di 5 Apr - 17:08
the 21, 21E, 21N and 43N added to the rotas
o and can i apply lol
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Fr 8 Apr - 8:09
There will be an update to rotas in the very near future. There will be some exciting new shifts to be chosen!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Do 21 Apr - 18:55
Hi Guys!
This has all fallen apart a little bit! I think the main issue is because no one really understands how it works. This is primarly because very few work in the industry, and therefore what I percieve as simplistic may be complicated as hell to everyone else!
So when davidr's new map is out tommorow, and the other spandau on sunday, I will devise a bunch of rotas to cater for all types of people on this forum, and you can just select them at your own choice. That way you get the real experience of a driver day, but without worrying about what day to do it on!
Hopefully this will be easier, anyone can download and anyone can use!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2 Anmeldedatum : 05.04.11
Thema: Re: OMSI-Driver Rotas Do 21 Apr - 19:21
Hi there,
Would it be possible to have my name added to the list as well please?