Anzahl der Beiträge : 75 Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11 Alter : 42
Thema: Program for bus construction Mo 7 März - 14:01
Hi. Sorry but I've this question: what program I should use to build a bus or repaint a bus? And then how to integrate the new bus in the game? There is a guide?
Anzahl der Beiträge : 273 Anmeldedatum : 08.11.10
Thema: Re: Program for bus construction Mo 7 März - 16:19
Code-121 schrieb:
Hi. Sorry but I've this question: what program I should use to build a bus or repaint a bus? And then how to integrate the new bus in the game? There is a guide?
Hi, there are many programs for building models/ buses, however its really down to what software you prefer! its not easy learning how to model, the devs suggest you use blender, im not that familiar with it tbh, i like 3dsmax 11