Thema: Trying to figure out heater controls Sa 26 Feb - 23:55
After finally reading the english manual I managed to find what some of the heater controls do, but there's some controls that aren't explained in the manual. Below is a screenshot of the heater controls that i've figured out & the ones that I haven't.
Does anyone know what the other controls do?
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: Trying to figure out heater controls So 27 Feb - 1:24
In OMSI they do nothing. They just open the front and side vents of the heater as well as the defroster nozzles under the windscreen. Since we haven't simulated different heating zones (and your virtual driver won't get cold feet anyway), the other sliders have no function (apart from being movable ) The little switch next to the fan speed control is to activate the room heaters under the seats and in the upper deck. This one does work and will help keeping the bus warm on a cold winter's day.
Ralph Kramden
Anzahl der Beiträge : 207 Anmeldedatum : 12.02.11
Thema: Re: Trying to figure out heater controls So 27 Feb - 11:54
Thanks Rudiger, does that little switch at the top of the heater controls direct the heat on to the windscreen? The reason I ask is because i'm working on a detailed video tutorial for OMSI.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: Trying to figure out heater controls Mo 28 Feb - 9:30
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
. Since we haven't simulated different heating zones (and your virtual driver won't get cold feet anyway)
I'm going to take a shot here and think that no, there is no control for the windscreen, since the heat is just general spread of heat. Also, as you will notice on a cold winter day, I do not believe the windscreen mists up in this game