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 Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 512
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11

Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitimeDi 29 Nov - 15:31


I created a timetable on the spandau xtreme map N37, but on the return run, passengers won't board, the destination is Falkensee Bahnhof so i gather the bus stop properties are set for the M32 towards U Rathaus Spandau, anyway to change that so they board the new line?

Cheers! bounce
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 67
Anmeldedatum : 04.05.11
Ort : Devon

Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitimeFr 2 Dez - 14:08

I have the same problem with my own map and cannot think of the reason (my route was working fine). If I find out what the problem is I will share it with you.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 512
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11

Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitimeFr 2 Dez - 19:48

JDX schrieb:
I have the same problem with my own map and cannot think of the reason (my route was working fine). If I find out what the problem is I will share it with you.

Yeah, cheers mate,

They board on the way down, maybe due to the way the maps laid out? the M32 runs to S&U Rathaus Spandau where as my line runs to Falkensee Bahnhof. If you do work it out let me know. I would like to share the timetable but still fine tuning it, the 5am journey from Falkensee down to Havelpark is a lot busier due to the morning rush and the traffic between Falkensee and Freudstrasse is gridlock.


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Anzahl der Beiträge : 67
Anmeldedatum : 04.05.11
Ort : Devon

Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitimeMi 7 Dez - 0:35

I think the problem may lay with the depot file. I was playing with it earlier and now I have the problem in both directions. Do you use the HOF Creator?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 642
Anmeldedatum : 22.07.11
Alter : 30

Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitimeMi 7 Dez - 16:02

Zitat :

Here it goes :

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Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip   Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip Icon_minitime

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Created timetable but passengers wont board on return trip
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