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 [EN] New, official OMSI Chat

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2837
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.10
Alter : 29
Ort : Koblenz

[EN] New, official OMSI Chat Empty
BeitragThema: [EN] New, official OMSI Chat   [EN] New, official OMSI Chat Icon_minitimeSa 19 Nov - 14:32

Hello all together,

in agreement and cooperation with Marcel and Rüdiger, we are happy to announce that from now on, the chat of the OAT is opened for all those who want to exchange (as they did in the chatbox in this forum so far) and who want to help each other.
In comparison to the chatbox, the new chat software provides several advantages:

Separate Chatrooms
Regular's table and "Beginners' Questions" can now be separated from each other and this will (hopefully) many argues in the future.

The Functions
As the chat is now no more directly connected to the forum, it was important to have some security functions: Users can now be banned for a specific timespan or even forever with the help of their IP. It's an external chat now, so one thing that was really important: Usernames can be chosen without any restrictions. In order to avoid any abuse, we explicitly recommend to reserve your username using a password (this can be set in the preferences of the chat when you're logged on).

In the past there were many argues, so once again we make clear: Insults or mobbing are of course NOT allowed! But there are always two parties, so a request to ALL:
Keep cool and contribute to a nice climate in the chat. This means: Neither annoying other people (to the younger ones), nor picking on other users (to the older ones) - and when obeying this rule, I guess this should work Wink
Just in case: We (the moderators) are still your contact persons. Please directly take a screenshot of the situation and contact us - BUT: Just in case of "emergency"! You should always try to reconcile on your own or - if they are not that important - just to forget about it. We don't want to be your "super nanny" Wink

URL to the new chat:

Have fun!
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[EN] New, official OMSI Chat
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