Thema: The roads higher than ground Do 18 Nov - 20:59
Hi, I have found out one thing wt this moment.. Why are the roads higher than all ground around? It´s seems ok on the first look, but now, when I do know about it si horrible.. By the way this one shadow revealed you.. ;-) But now I see it almost anywhere (or everywhere, where is not modeled place next to the road)... Are the all objects flying?
Would you do anything with that to the release time? Does it have any reason?
Thanks for answers...
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Do 18 Nov - 21:31
It is, of course, possible to place normal objects directly on the ground (or below, if you want). However, the streets and intersections must be placed a little bit above the ground to avoid flickering with the terrain below (and the sidewalk adds some more centimeters). The mesh terrain uses fixed coordinates and cannot be cut into or moved beyond its fixed grid (2m resolution). As a workaround, we have fitted some streets with a gentle grass slope on the outsides to fill the gap.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 178 Anmeldedatum : 13.02.10
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Do 18 Nov - 21:54
Yes, I though this... It is common in this kind of game where the terrain is just in one plain, level, on the y=0, I guess or whatever... But still I assume it woudl be better to connect the ground texture with sidewalk in the same high, level I dont know... for 2 meters more? Just make the road a little bit wider via ground texture, you know... And after that do the step... It could be less visible and better... ;-) Will you think about that? ;-) You´ve got 6 months to do anything with it... ;-)
I´ve got an idea right now, what happens when the bus ride down for the sidewalk?
Marcel Kuhnt Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364 Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09 Alter : 39 Ort : Berlin-Spandau
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Do 18 Nov - 22:07
You are not allowed to drive the bus off the street! The berlin police hopes that you stay on your lane and take passengers from A to B!
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Do 18 Nov - 22:09
Yes, this is what we have already done for street types where the "flying" effect is most evident. Theses side slopes have a special texture that exactly matches the ground texture, so the changeover from spline to terrain is almost invisible. But we cannot promise to do this for ALL street types, as in most cases, there are buildings alongside the street so you can't see the gap at all. In fact, in the driver view, where you see the street "from the inside", this effect is barely noticable, even without extra slopes added.
And, not to be misunderstood: The terrain is editable of course, so you can create hills, slopes and such. But it is a simple height map, so the horizontal grid coordinates stay the same.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 178 Anmeldedatum : 13.02.10
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Fr 19 Nov - 14:11
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
And, not to be misunderstood: The terrain is editable of course, so you can create hills, slopes and such. But it is a simple height map, so the horizontal grid coordinates stay the same.
Yes, I understood modelling terrain for road is difficult... It is pretty good, when I found out it only now, not earlier... But I'm really angry at myself because now I see it everywhere ... It was the same in the addon tram map to MSTS, but where was the band wider, but still 1 meter up the ground, so this is not so bad... Anyway, I think that at least it should not be seen on places, where the player stops (stations, terminals)...
Marcel: I though it would be possible.. Fall down from the bridge to the river, crash into a house because of a bad car diver ot the terrorist attack..
Anzahl der Beiträge : 126 Anmeldedatum : 07.07.10
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Fr 19 Nov - 21:45
btw.. There will be even 1 Single Decker bus? ye, ye Double Deckers are nice too, but i like more Single Decker. I saw on OMSI Video 1 a screen of single decker, will be it included? Thanks.
Marcel Kuhnt Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364 Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09 Alter : 39 Ort : Berlin-Spandau
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Fr 19 Nov - 21:57
No, that was just a test.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 126 Anmeldedatum : 07.07.10
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Sa 20 Nov - 8:52
k, dankeschón.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1 Anmeldedatum : 13.12.10
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Mo 13 Dez - 21:41
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
...But it is a simple height map, so the horizontal grid coordinates stay the same.
Does this mean that the road would be always flat? And there won't be any liftings and descents of the road?
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: The roads higher than ground Mo 13 Dez - 23:03
No, of course not. You can shape the terrain as you like, as well as the roads can go up and down. What you cannot change is the rectangular grid of the terrain, but of course you can set any grid vertex to the desired height.