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 Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 120
Anmeldedatum : 08.06.11

Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Empty
BeitragThema: Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?   Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Icon_minitimeMo 18 Jul - 19:49


So I am really into bus repaints but want to start delving deeper.

I have this overwhelming urge to make a topless bus. But I just can think how I would do it. The fact the templates are bmp means there is no transparency to use.
What would I have to adjust to tell the repaint tool to stop halfway up the top set of windows??????

Anyone got a suggestion?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 582
Anmeldedatum : 05.02.11
Ort : Denmark

Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?   Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Icon_minitimeFr 22 Jul - 10:19

If you mean - completely taking a chainsaw and cutting off the very first floor with seats and everything - some people in the German section have done it. Although, they haven't released it. Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 120
Anmeldedatum : 08.06.11

Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?   Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Icon_minitimeFr 22 Jul - 12:19

Those DAMN germans! Laughing always gotta be first.

But what I had in mind was like a topless tourbus. Seats would still be intact with a railing around the top. Kinda do some booze cruises round berlin lol!
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Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?   Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless? Icon_minitime

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Is it possible to take a D92 and make it topless?
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