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 Handbrake and air pressure

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 39
Anmeldedatum : 17.11.09

Handbrake and air pressure Empty
BeitragThema: Handbrake and air pressure   Handbrake and air pressure Icon_minitimeFr 29 Jan - 5:59

Just a small point on the matter of the handbrake on the SD bus, is this a two position handbrake, with a 'bus stop' brake as well as a parking brake? I have seen these handbrakes before, and as well as a pull down for full brake, the handle can be pushed up for a quick hold, using less air pressure. Unfortunately, if air pressure runs low, this 'bus stop' brake can release without warning, which is why it is better to always use the full on position. I just wondered if the two positions are facilitated in OMSI, or if it would make any difference for simulation purposes?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Handbrake and air pressure Empty
BeitragThema: Maxi Brake operation   Handbrake and air pressure Icon_minitimeSa 13 Feb - 13:54

Just to correct you - it is true that in first-gen VOV-type busses the parking brake handle is two-step, first being the station brake, and second being the maxibrake.
However, the difference between them is not the amount of air pressure used. The maxibrake is actually the opposite of the station brake, as it uses LACK of air pressure to hold the vehicle in place, as the parking brake only applies regular brake - and thus can release if air pressure is low.

I don't know whether the station brake will be simulated alongside the maxibrake - that's up to the developers, but seeing the depth of the simulation in other fields, I think that it would probably be simulated perfectly.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 39
Anmeldedatum : 17.11.09

Handbrake and air pressure Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Handbrake and air pressure   Handbrake and air pressure Icon_minitimeSa 13 Feb - 18:36

Oh I understand that, that is why we had instances of buses creeping forwards on the bus stop brake. Occasionally a driver would stop the bus, apply the bus stop brake, and then leave the cab! As the engine idled for a while, air pressure would drop, and the brake would release, with no driver behind the wheel to control the bus! For safety reasons, I imagine that is why two position brakes were abandoned.

For the purposes of the OMSI simulation, I wonder would it make any difference whether both handbrake positions were simulated? Unless the air pressure gauge is simulated too, in which case we can see air pressure drop, and the effect on the brakes. Very often there are slow leaks in the system, and when starting the engine, it is necessary to wait for air pressure to build up before brakes can be released. Just some more realism, if it is possible to script for these.
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Handbrake and air pressure Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Handbrake and air pressure   Handbrake and air pressure Icon_minitime

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Handbrake and air pressure
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