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 Davisville 1.3.1 Final

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Mirko C
Amy Rose
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 137
Anmeldedatum : 12.05.11
Alter : 29

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeFr 24 Jun - 4:53

Thats an add-on bus issue.I have had similar problems when I select a bus my OMSI would display this msg forcing me to press ctrl alt del its a pain in the ass but delete the bus files and redownload
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 35
Anmeldedatum : 03.03.11
Ort : Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeFr 24 Jun - 11:53

97OrionVCNG schrieb:
Thats an add-on bus issue.I have had similar problems when I select a bus my OMSI would display this msg forcing me to press ctrl alt del its a pain in the ass but delete the bus files and redownload

I currently don't even have any addon buses installed. I'm talking about the default SD200s and SD202s... They still work fine on all other maps I have...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 163
Anmeldedatum : 24.02.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeFr 24 Jun - 14:15

Sorry to see you go Amy, I hope you can still play OMSI, I might try and finish your map, but for now I am making the fictitious city of Edinville, which I hope you will be able to play. I may also finish my project of County of Greendale, which is a long (longest route 120km/80 mi) countryside route.

Again, my apologies for your bf, us guys can be crazy at times, and make crazy demands.
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 3 Jul - 23:58

Due to additional requests, my account has to be deleted. It was fun to be with you guys in the OMSI community, but now I only gave you an extremely small version of Toronto, and hope that some will come by and complete the monster of a project. I hope to stumble upon this community in to future to see what Omsi 1.5 has and how this community turned into.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 59
Anmeldedatum : 01.04.11
Ort : Toronto Ontario Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSa 9 Jul - 2:13

Amy Rose schrieb:
Due to additional requests, my account has to be deleted. It was fun to be with you guys in the OMSI community, but now I only gave you an extremely small version of Toronto, and hope that some will come by and complete the monster of a project. I hope to stumble upon this community in to future to see what Omsi 1.5 has and how this community turned into.

Aww I hate to see you leave, I hope we can do are best to finish this Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 37
Anmeldedatum : 30.08.11
Alter : 42
Ort : Atlanta, Ga

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSa 24 Sep - 12:54

Amy Rose schrieb:
:/ Omsi editor forgot to save my final version...

Well that sucks. no biggie anyway, Ill install this later on and give it a test!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 60
Anmeldedatum : 23.04.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 25 Sep - 12:48

Bei mir gibt es keine Umläufe, was muß man dazu tun, habe Version 1.3.1
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 118
Anmeldedatum : 28.06.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDo 29 Sep - 15:54

So, die Map an sich is super aber dreht den verkehr runter da ihr sonst ewig bei Bayview Station auf dem Weg zur ersten Haltestelle ewig im Stau steht die die Abbieger- phase für die Linksabbieger nur 3 Fahrzeuge rüber lässt. ich hab da fast 7 Minuten verloren...

Ich wollte mir den left- handed- traffic herunter laden aber irgendwie hab ich den nicht mehr gefunden... ist aber auch besser so, sonst rennen mir die Fahrgäste ständig um den bus rum
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 30.09.11
Ort : Åseda, Sweden

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeMo 24 Okt - 10:30

Hi all OMSI fans!
I can not access some tours to run. What am I doing wrong?
Have tested both by bus sd77 and d92. HOF file is in place.
See the picture.
Grateful for answers.
(machine translation)

/Daniel Litskog, Sweden.

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Urklipp-1
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 30.09.11
Ort : Åseda, Sweden

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeMo 24 Okt - 13:36

Does anyone know? I start getting withdrawal symptoms.

/Daniel in Sweden
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 4 Dez - 19:10

To Tjockkorv:

It is not because of the bus and the HOF file. It's probably because the schedule for that route was not programmed to run at a certain time. In other words, the 114 probably runs at a different time than 11:47. So in my opinion, it is not your fault. But I could be wrong...

Translated with Google Translate/Översatt med Google Translate:

Det är inte på grund av bussen och HOF filen. Det är förmodligen för att den tidsplan för att rutten inte var programmerad att köra på en viss tid. Med andra ord, de 114 mest sannolikt kör på en annan tid än 11:47. Så i min mening, är det inte ditt fel. Men jag kan ha fel...

Yeah, Google Translate made a good translation./Ja, Google Translate gjorde en bra översättning.

Side note:
It's a shame that Amy is not going to work on this anymore because of her boyfriend. No I would definitely try to contribute something to this community, like Orion buses, Nova Buses, and other favorites of mine. The only thing stopping me is being a college student studying engineering study (some hard stuff Mad ). Her boyfriend should see it as a hobby or an interest, and should respect and support that, not prevent it. But that's just what I would do if I had a girlfriend who is interested in something...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 44
Anmeldedatum : 15.06.09
Alter : 30

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 4 Dez - 20:27

jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
It's a shame that Amy is not going to work on this anymore because of her boyfriend. No I would definitely try to contribute something to this community, like Orion buses, Nova Buses, and other favorites of mine. The only thing stopping me is being a college student studying engineering study (some hard stuff Mad ). Her boyfriend should see it as a hobby or an interest, and should respect and support that, not prevent it. But that's just what I would do if I had a girlfriend who is interested in something...
Her boyfriend is just a stupid cocksucker. I'm very sorry, but I can't find not vulgar words to describe him. Amy, if you read this: split up with him. He's not worth you, no way. If somebody can't accept his girlfriend's hobby and denies it, he's just stupid cocksucker, as I written above. Greetings and thanks for great map.
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 4 Dez - 23:11

jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
To Tjockkorv:

It is not because of the bus and the HOF file. It's probably because the schedule for that route was not programmed to run at a certain time. In other words, the 114 probably runs at a different time than 11:47. So in my opinion, it is not your fault. But I could be wrong...

Translated with Google Translate/Översatt med Google Translate:

Det är inte på grund av bussen och HOF filen. Det är förmodligen för att den tidsplan för att rutten inte var programmerad att köra på en viss tid. Med andra ord, de 114 mest sannolikt kör på en annan tid än 11:47. Så i min mening, är det inte ditt fel. Men jag kan ha fel...

Yeah, Google Translate made a good translation./Ja, Google Translate gjorde en bra översättning.

Side note:
It's a shame that Amy is not going to work on this anymore because of her boyfriend. No I would definitely try to contribute something to this community, like Orion buses, Nova Buses, and other favorites of mine. The only thing stopping me is being a college student studying engineering study (some hard stuff Mad ). Her boyfriend should see it as a hobby or an interest, and should respect and support that, not prevent it. But that's just what I would do if I had a girlfriend who is interested in something...
All buses operate between 5am and 1am. I had a blue night route in mind for the Eglinton East update, but only my successor can carry on with what is left off.
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeSo 4 Dez - 23:14

MAN_SD200 schrieb:
jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
It's a shame that Amy is not going to work on this anymore because of her boyfriend. No I would definitely try to contribute something to this community, like Orion buses, Nova Buses, and other favorites of mine. The only thing stopping me is being a college student studying engineering study (some hard stuff Mad ). Her boyfriend should see it as a hobby or an interest, and should respect and support that, not prevent it. But that's just what I would do if I had a girlfriend who is interested in something...
Her boyfriend is just a stupid cocksucker. I'm very sorry, but I can't find not vulgar words to describe him. Amy, if you read this: split up with him. He's not worth you, no way. If somebody can't accept his girlfriend's hobby and denies it, he's just stupid cocksucker, as I written above. Greetings and thanks for great map.
To be fair, I lied behind his back many times to get some mapping done, I have lost all his trust that way. Maybe one day he might allow me, but for now, all I can do is chat and draw up some plans. The map was starting to get laggy anyways and the Eglinton update would probably force me to cut some stops anyways. I'm afraid that mapping is all in my past now. But please mind the language.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 3:22

MAN_SD200 schrieb:
Her boyfriend is just a stupid cocksucker. I'm very sorry, but I can't find not vulgar words to describe him. Amy, if you read this: split up with him. He's not worth you, no way. If somebody can't accept his girlfriend's hobby and denies it, he's just stupid cocksucker, as I written above. Greetings and thanks for great map.

Shocked Whoa...

He just needs a talk with Aretha Franklin... lol!

(...about R-E-S-P-E-C-T, one of her most famous songs, for those who didn't get it...)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 3:24

Amy Rose schrieb:
jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
To Tjockkorv:

It is not because of the bus and the HOF file. It's probably because the schedule for that route was not programmed to run at a certain time. In other words, the 114 probably runs at a different time than 11:47. So in my opinion, it is not your fault. But I could be wrong...
All buses operate between 5am and 1am. I had a blue night route in mind for the Eglinton East update, but only my successor can carry on with what is left off.

So was I wrong? I'm not that witty with OMSI since it's very new to me...that's another reason why I can't contribute anything.
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 3:30

jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
Amy Rose schrieb:
jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
To Tjockkorv:

It is not because of the bus and the HOF file. It's probably because the schedule for that route was not programmed to run at a certain time. In other words, the 114 probably runs at a different time than 11:47. So in my opinion, it is not your fault. But I could be wrong...
All buses operate between 5am and 1am. I had a blue night route in mind for the Eglinton East update, but only my successor can carry on with what is left off.

So was I wrong? I'm not that witty with OMSI since it's very new to me...that's another reason why I can't contribute anything.
In some ways, yes, but you might be right, but I can't bugfix I'm afraid
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 512
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDo 8 Dez - 1:51

I can safely say i dont know ANY girl interested in Buses. But glad to find one on here who does.

Keep up the good work, i haven't driven on this map yet, maybe i should! Very Happy
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitimeDo 8 Dez - 1:53

Its a great map, might have some framerate issues, but otherwise fine. It would be best if you reply in the new forum as this one is shutting down tonight
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Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Davisville 1.3.1 Final    Davisville 1.3.1 Final  - Seite 29 Icon_minitime

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Davisville 1.3.1 Final
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