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 UK Release? And Others

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Rüdiger Hülsmann
7 verfasser

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeDo 10 Sep - 19:45

Hi there, I came across this awesome game a few weeks ago, and I was amazed at how many things in the buses were functional.

But I have a couple of questions about this game too.
1. Will this game have an English version? If so, will it ever be released/published in the UK?
2. How much can we expect to pay for this game?
3. I noticed that the double decker bus has many functional objects. Will every bus that is shipped with the game function like this?

That's all, I'm looking forward to the release of this spectacular game.
Thanks, TheAdmiester Wink
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Rüdiger Hülsmann
Rüdiger Hülsmann

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204
Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeDo 10 Sep - 21:07

There will be an English version as well. As for the boxed version, it will be up to our publisher whether to release it in the U.K., but I would think so. Even if not, there will still be the download version.

A price hasn't been set yet but I think I can say it won't exceed the usual price limits of PC games.

Concerning our two main buses SD200 and SD202: Yes, they will certainly share the same functionality and devotion to details. We can't promise for the moment if there will be more buses in the first release, and if so, we can't promise as well whether they'll be up to the standards set with our SD200 (the additional buses would be a kind of AI-buses in first place to widen the variety of vehicles. Once we get the time, we're going to turn them into fully functional user vehicles).
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 23
Anmeldedatum : 29.05.09

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeDi 15 Sep - 17:50

Nice to see you here too
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 10.09.09

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeDo 15 Okt - 14:18

Hi again. Thanks for your answers, I'm looking forward to playing this game Razz
I've got another question for you, I saw in one of the demo videos that there was a single decker bus that looked a bit like an O405, and it had an electrical route number whereas the double decker has a one where the numbers 'slide' up if you know what I mean. Will the electrical boards still be customizable?
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Rüdiger Hülsmann
Rüdiger Hülsmann

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204
Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeFr 16 Okt - 11:12

Yes, there will be two types of electric/electronic displays: The older grid-based ANNAX system used in older berlin buses and the newer "fullscreen" matrix with graphics support. (second one not yet implemented...ANNAX works fine already)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 24
Anmeldedatum : 12.07.09
Alter : 28
Ort : Southhampton, England

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Hi   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeSa 30 Jan - 21:35


i just wanted to get a bit of feeling here

how hard will it be to make a map and bus from Scratch

also can you set up trafic at a sertant time of the day beacuse i want to make a routes/map based around the school bus routes in my area and we have 7 yellow buses and 6 from 4 differnt companys bus can i progam what they are doing and where they go


first Fleeline
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3
Anmeldedatum : 14.06.10

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeMo 14 Jun - 9:41

Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
There will be an English version as well. As for the boxed version, it will be up to our publisher whether to release it in the U.K., but I would think so. Even if not, there will still be the download version.

A price hasn't been set yet but I think I can say it won't exceed the usual price limits of PC games.

Concerning our two main buses SD200 and SD202: Yes, they will certainly share the same functionality and devotion to details. We can't promise for the moment if there will be more buses in the first release, and if so, we can't promise as well whether they'll be up to the standards set with our SD200 (the additional buses would be a kind of AI-buses in first place to widen the variety of vehicles. Once we get the time, we're going to turn them into fully functional user vehicles).
Soo admin when this game gonna release ? bcuz i luv bus simulators and this is the best! soo you said it can be download but where ? When ?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2837
Anmeldedatum : 09.02.10
Alter : 29
Ort : Koblenz

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeMo 14 Jun - 11:55

Zitat :
Soo admin when this game gonna release ? bcuz i luv bus simulators and this is the best! soo you said it can be download but where ? When ?

Rolling Eyes Why is it so difficult to read the faq BEFORE posting questions like that?

Zitat :

When will OMSI be released?

That is difficult to tell at the moment. Generally the basics are made but there is also still quite a lot to be done. So just be patient ;-)

And Rüdiger said you WILL be able to download it, but you aren't YET.

People like you make this forum confusing because there are so many spam posts like yours.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14
Anmeldedatum : 30.05.10
Alter : 44
Ort : Belgrade, Serbia

UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitimeDi 15 Jun - 2:46

FirstFleetline schrieb:

how hard will it be to make a map and bus from Scratch

From my observation, it will take two skills to make a bus. One of them is a powerful 3D Modeling tool that can export an X-File (Blender recommended, 3DS Max is another alternative). Google SketchUp also seems to be popular amongst the users here, so I have compiled a SketchUp to Blender tutorial in the "Tutorials" section of the English OMSI forums. The other skill is working with the OMNIBUS script used to define vehicles and their parts. So if you already know how to make 3D Models, all you have to do is get used to OMNIBUS's gaming engine and make stuff from that. If this is too hard for you, you could always just go to terrain making, as you need less skill because you don't have to deal with all of the engine scripts, the 3D Modeling, and the pain of coding all of the bus's physical parts to work properly. In fact, I plan on being a terrain/object editor and maker for this game because I enjoy modeling 3D Buildings and what not, and this is the perfect game for me because it allows me to do that. I feel the game will have no limits because you can create any type of environment you want basically.

As for terrains go, they [the developers] have already justified that there will be an editor for the terrain. This includes making hills and what not, but it also includes custom objects too. So if you want to make a terrain of your nearby town, I assume it will be possible due to the versatile functions that the game will carry out once it is released. I think this will be easier than building buses because you don't need extreme 3D Modeling skills (or any for that matter) if you aren't going to make objects, and you are just going to make terrains. I will be first in line for this. As I have already said, I want to create terrains/objects too for this game. If I ever master this skill, I am willing to help others who are having trouble with it, especially in the SketchUp community, because my profession in 3D Modeling is aimed in that area sort of. If you have more questions, you should read the FAQ or wait for a developer to answer your question.

FirstFleetline schrieb:

also can you set up trafic at a sertant time of the day beacuse i want to make a routes/map based around the school bus routes in my area and we have 7 yellow buses and 6 from 4 differnt companys bus can i progam what they are doing and where they go

Yes, they have revealed that there will be a route/traffic editor that you can edit to your liking. You can also create your own routes and drive your own routes for the fun of it. There is information both on the forums and in the FAQ section of the website. In fact, here is a quote from the FAQ: "Basically, OMSI is designed as an open system and a platform for any kind of add-ons. There will be a graphic track editor, so everyone can build their own landscapes, streets and bus lines. Of course you can create your own vehicles, too. We recommend Blender as a construction tool. The driving characteristics can be manipulated using the included scripting language."
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UK Release? And Others Empty
BeitragThema: Re: UK Release? And Others   UK Release? And Others Icon_minitime

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UK Release? And Others
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