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 BigBen Controller.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 04.03.11

BigBen Controller. Empty
BeitragThema: BigBen Controller.   BigBen Controller. Icon_minitimeFr 4 März - 20:09

I have a BigBen controller which can work with PC or PS3. it works well with many other games. I setup all the buttons in omsi but for some reason when I accelerate it doesn't work on game, and the steering goes all weird. Any ideas?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 582
Anmeldedatum : 05.02.11
Ort : Denmark

BigBen Controller. Empty
BeitragThema: Re: BigBen Controller.   BigBen Controller. Icon_minitimeFr 4 März - 20:52

The motors are simply in a very small area, you can turn them like 1½ centimeter. This means that it is sooo sensitive when you touch it. You barely have to touch it, and it will turn a bit. The axis buttons on the rear doesn't work for me with my PS3 controller either. No idea what's wrong with that. But with the steering, you got your answer. These controllers are just not made for OMSI! Wink
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BigBen Controller.
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