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 PS3 Controller

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 582
Anmeldedatum : 05.02.11
Ort : Denmark

PS3 Controller Empty
BeitragThema: PS3 Controller   PS3 Controller Icon_minitimeMi 23 Feb - 16:40

Hello!!! I had plans on buying the boxed version but due to that I live in Denmark and the shipping stuff etc. etc. from Germany I have decided to buy the download version of the game in Friday! I don't like to control with the keyboard, so I want to hear:

Can you use your PS3 controller?

Windows recognizes it, but for using it I have to use MotionInJoy (in other games). Do I have to do this too in OMSI?

Thank you in advance, and I can't wait to get the game, watched some YouTube videos and that's just fantastic! Very Happy
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PS3 Controller
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