Thema: Setting up for Xbox360 controller Sa 19 Feb - 1:00
How do you set up the steering for X-box 360 controller, I tried driving with it and the left stick was acting like a steering wheel, making the bus go allover the road?!
How do you set it up so that pushing the stick to the left makes the bus go left and pushing it to the right makes it go right?!
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: Setting up for Xbox360 controller Sa 19 Feb - 1:13
If I'm not completely mistaken, the stick should work like a normal joystick (as long as it's recognised by Windows as a game controller). In the OMSI game controller menu you will see the different axis of the controller. The blue bar of the steering axle should be at 50% in the neutral position. Then you assign the steering wheel function to it and a linear or bi-progressive characteristic. This should already work.
But in fact I'm not sure if smooth and precise driving is possible with that ministick
Anzahl der Beiträge : 255 Anmeldedatum : 06.09.10
Thema: Re: Setting up for Xbox360 controller Sa 19 Feb - 3:07
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
If I'm not completely mistaken, the stick should work like a normal joystick (as long as it's recognised by Windows as a game controller). In the OMSI game controller menu you will see the different axis of the controller. The blue bar of the steering axle should be at 50% in the neutral position. Then you assign the steering wheel function to it and a linear or bi-progressive characteristic. This should already work.
But in fact I'm not sure if smooth and precise driving is possible with that ministick
I've managed to get it to work.....sort of, it just means pushing the stick up to go left and down to go right!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 20 Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Thema: Re: Setting up for Xbox360 controller Sa 19 Feb - 22:16
Hallo, hab auch den XBOX360 Controller für Windows, die Lenkung ist total "hakelig". Beim CBS funktioniert er wunderbar. Nur hier nicht. Das ist unspielbar. Könnt ihr die Gamepad-Steuerung vielleicht noch etwas verfeinern?