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 Pay for the Lion's City???

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 3:33

I don;t know if this is the right section to ask this...but is it true that we will have to pay for the MAN Lion's City bus addon? I have seen this around here somewhere. Hopefully it's a myth...pale
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 153
Anmeldedatum : 07.03.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 4:13

jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
I don;t know if this is the right section to ask this...but is it true that we will have to pay for the MAN Lion's City bus addon? I have seen this around here somewhere. Hopefully it's a myth...pale
kommt drauf an ob du bei amazon oder andere online Shop ist dann ja außer es ist als download zuvewrfügung gestellt dann nicht
arrives on it whether you at amazon or other shop is online then Yes unless it is not provided as download zuvewrfügung then
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 197
Anmeldedatum : 14.02.11
Alter : 27
Ort : Trondheim, Norway

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 6:41

I don`t think so, the bus has not been released and the surveys... If you use the surveys you can donate some money to him supporting him and his project Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 11:43

isnt the person that's doing the lion city the same one that did the karosa?? the one that's never going to be finished because he lost interest and moved onto another project??

as for paying for buses, if they are made by a company, a proper registered company that pays taxes and that, who provide support for people having problems with the items they have sold, and of course they produce the models to the same standard that the origional ones in omsi are, then yes,

but for a spotty teenager making models whilst he should be studying at school, no way, you can bet he's not declaring the income to the tax man, and when people have problems with it, he can just hide and say 'tough, not my problem' as has been done before.

the idea of omsi was people can make addon maps and buses for it as a hobby, this keeps it alive and gives people with tallent something to do so to speak, and allows them to show off their creations, i don't think the creators of omsi are happy that people are trying to make money out of their creation.

And of course, any payware software ends up cracked and on the pirate web sites pretty soon anyway, do we really want that with omsi?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 29
Anmeldedatum : 15.05.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 11:53

gazz schrieb:
isnt the person that's doing the lion city the same one that did the karosa?? the one that's never going to be finished because he lost interest and moved onto another project??

as for paying for buses, if they are made by a company, a proper registered company that pays taxes and that, who provide support for people having problems with the items they have sold, and of course they produce the models to the same standard that the origional ones in omsi are, then yes,

but for a spotty teenager making models whilst he should be studying at school, no way, you can bet he's not declaring the income to the tax man, and when people have problems with it, he can just hide and say 'tough, not my problem' as has been done before.

the idea of omsi was people can make addon maps and buses for it as a hobby, this keeps it alive and gives people with tallent something to do so to speak, and allows them to show off their creations, i don't think the creators of omsi are happy that people are trying to make money out of their creation.

And of course, any payware software ends up cracked and on the pirate web sites pretty soon anyway, do we really want that with omsi?

Although some of your points there are valid - it's pretty rude to anyone who is dedicating a lot of their time to creating maps or projects for OMSI. Nobody has actually confirmed that people will need to pay for this bus and the likelihood is they aren't! No need to go off on a rant about it. Hopefully this thread can be locked now before it becomes even more pointless..
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 12:00

i wasnt having a go at people who are making routes and buses in the spiriit of omsi, i.e they are really making them for them selves, and being nice and letting others download them is great,

it's just annoying that there are a few people out there who are trying to make money doing something everyone else is doing for fun, there are a couple of maps that are payware, and now a bus that may be payware... may not, but the creator is asking for money to make it which ever way you look at it,

i understand it takes a hell of a lot of time and tallent to make a good quality bus, and if you are a graphic design company with a few people working on the project, and you make it absolutely perfect, then yes make it payware,

but we see time and time again buses released with glaring errors, ok usually vbus converts, but people suggest how to fix them, and the author ignores it, the karosa bus is a prime example, it could be a great bus, but the author cant be arsed to finish it off,
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 152
Anmeldedatum : 14.04.11
Alter : 33
Ort : Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 15:25

Newcastle and Catenbury, these are the payware maps -.-
About buses, you're right, the Karosa is still bad. What about others? They released a buggy Ikarus 260, an incomplete Volvo 7700 for impatient people, the Mercedes and the Ikarus 415 still need to be a little bit worked on and finally the FBW 91-U (549) haven't even released the patch.

BTW, maybe this topic could be at the General Discussion or at the Driver's Lounge, not sure, but not at the Addon Buses...

Zuletzt von filipe231291 am Di 6 Dez - 15:32 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 15:28

woah schrieb:
Although some of your points there are valid - it's pretty rude to anyone who is dedicating a lot of their time to creating maps or projects for OMSI. Nobody has actually confirmed that people will need to pay for this bus and the likelihood is they aren't! No need to go off on a rant about it. Hopefully this thread can be locked now before it becomes even more pointless..
So...before we lock this thread, the final answer is...? scratch Should I just ask the creator?

It's not, in your words, "pointless." I'm just asking a simple question, and I would like a clear answer. (That's what forums are for...) I'm not trying to start any trouble here.

So, fine, I'll just ask the creator whenever I get the chance to. NOW you can lock the thread...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 15:59

that's just it, no addon bus released so far is complete... maybe the liaz excepted,

but the FBW has been out for months, loads of faults pointed out, yet nothing done by the author/converter to rectify them, some people have worked out them selves how to tweak the scripts to make it work a little better, but the person who released it should be doing that,

they havent even got the bus name right as you say, it's a FBW 91-U, the 549 is it's fleet number, this has been pointed out to the author/converter many times,

yet it seems once a bus is released that's the end of it, onto the next one and sod the people who complain,

yes lots of people are whinging about buses taking to long to release, it's the same in the euro trucker sim, everytime someone posts a photo of something they are working on, 20 people reply with 'where can i download?' and get snotty when they are told it'll be months, some crators have taken to telling those people it will never be released, still dosent shut them up.

but the volvo is a prime example of what happens if you give in to the whingers, hardly anything works on it so it's a waste of time releasing it, zoom in on the instruments and you can see the reflection of the person who took the photo!! What a Face No

Thing is, do we want omsi to turn into the bus equivelent of railworks?? you buy the basic game for 30 odd quid, that gets you enough content to keep you happy for a few weeks, the box tells you theres tons of downloadable user created content available to make the game more exiting, so you go looking for a new route,
the route is maybe free or 'only a fiver', but to get it to work you need to buy 10 other routes to get the assets needed, you also need to buy a few new buses to make the route look authentic, then you buy the people that get on and off your buses, you want to drive the buses in the snow, you have to buy the snow chain asset from someone else, and the winter clothes and umbrellas asset from another to make the passengers look more realistic,

before you know it, your 30 quid bus driving game has cost you over 100 quid and that figure will just keep getting bigger untill you have had enough and look at 'open omsi' which was released by people who are fed up of having to keep paying for new stuff every week.

i know this has gone off the origional topic, but it's something that either needs to be accepted or nipped in the bud, payware add ons were never the intention of the origional game AFAIK, but now a couple of people have started it, others are trying it on too,

Then what, we've already seen people trying blackmail over their buses, the 'if you upload this to another server i will never make another one' and the 'if people keep asking the releas date, i will never release it'
the next step is 'if people dont 'donate' enough money to me, i will not finish the bus off'
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Mr Drive

Mr Drive

Anzahl der Beiträge : 68
Anmeldedatum : 22.04.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 16:39

You're right in term of quality, i still drive the default buses only because there's no 100% quality add-on bus. Although the Dennis Envrio comes really close but that one is for left handed drive.

So when a good bus comes out i'm more than willing to pay for it. Sure the developer have to give some after sales support.

In this world, even in the Omsi world, nothing is for free. It takes a lot of time to make a map or a bus. Asking some money is know problem for me.

This discussion about donation/payware seems to be endless and pops-up time and time again and is always started by those who don't contribute anything to the Omsi arsenal.

And why 'cause it's very simple: you don't have to buy it!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 152
Anmeldedatum : 14.04.11
Alter : 33
Ort : Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 17:44

gazz schrieb:
that's just it, no addon bus released so far is complete... maybe the liaz excepted,

but the FBW has been out for months, loads of faults pointed out, yet nothing done by the author/converter to rectify them, some people have worked out them selves how to tweak the scripts to make it work a little better, but the person who released it should be doing that,

they havent even got the bus name right as you say, it's a FBW 91-U, the 549 is it's fleet number, this has been pointed out to the author/converter many times,

yet it seems once a bus is released that's the end of it, onto the next one and sod the people who complain,

yes lots of people are whinging about buses taking to long to release, it's the same in the euro trucker sim, everytime someone posts a photo of something they are working on, 20 people reply with 'where can i download?' and get snotty when they are told it'll be months, some crators have taken to telling those people it will never be released, still dosent shut them up.

but the volvo is a prime example of what happens if you give in to the whingers, hardly anything works on it so it's a waste of time releasing it, zoom in on the instruments and you can see the reflection of the person who took the photo!! What a Face No

Thing is, do we want omsi to turn into the bus equivelent of railworks?? you buy the basic game for 30 odd quid, that gets you enough content to keep you happy for a few weeks, the box tells you theres tons of downloadable user created content available to make the game more exiting, so you go looking for a new route,
the route is maybe free or 'only a fiver', but to get it to work you need to buy 10 other routes to get the assets needed, you also need to buy a few new buses to make the route look authentic, then you buy the people that get on and off your buses, you want to drive the buses in the snow, you have to buy the snow chain asset from someone else, and the winter clothes and umbrellas asset from another to make the passengers look more realistic,

before you know it, your 30 quid bus driving game has cost you over 100 quid and that figure will just keep getting bigger untill you have had enough and look at 'open omsi' which was released by people who are fed up of having to keep paying for new stuff every week.

i know this has gone off the origional topic, but it's something that either needs to be accepted or nipped in the bud, payware add ons were never the intention of the origional game AFAIK, but now a couple of people have started it, others are trying it on too,

Then what, we've already seen people trying blackmail over their buses, the 'if you upload this to another server i will never make another one' and the 'if people keep asking the releas date, i will never release it'
the next step is 'if people dont 'donate' enough money to me, i will not finish the bus off'

I talked about this at the FBW topic, which is called the 91-U with Hess bodywork. I did that research.
And it's true what you're saying, it's very frustrating when people asks for them, more for the interest. So, rather not share and close a topic than sharing it and coming with those questions as you referred. Then when it's finished, it can be released. Patience is something that many people don't have.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 17:56

as long as it stays with the 'you don't have to buy it'

you could say that with railworks, but people make new routes and unwittingly include objects they have on their computer, not realising said object came from a payware route they bought,
so the person who downloads it and dosent have that particular payware route will get a crap route with lots of objects missing,

same is happening with repaints of the trains, most are free but some are payware !!! and it causes no end of problems if you don't have the payware re-paint on a scenario that calls for it,

sure, nothing in life is free, but unless your job is creating routes and buses for omsi, you should be doing it in your spare time as a hobby,

you may think it is anal, butat the end of the day asking money for something you have created is classed as taxable income, don't pay tax as youre on the dole??? then you are doing paid work and should be declaring the earnings and having it deducted off your dole money,

someone could buy a map or bus for omsi, think it's crap, ask for their money back, the creator is most likely going to tell you where to go, what stopping them phoning up the tax office and letting them know that person may be earning money without declaring it.... something to think about those people who are charging for stuff.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476
Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11
Alter : 39
Ort : Hannover

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 22:29

jpnmtrmn93 schrieb:
I don;t know if this is the right section to ask this...but is it true that we will have to pay for the MAN Lion's City bus addon? I have seen this around here somewhere. Hopefully it's a myth...pale

In my Opinion - there should not be paid anything for addon maps (as seen before) or vehicles, exept they are from the original autors of the game - M&R, in case of an addon or something. So much users shared their modifications, maps, vehicles, objects, even everything that makes omsi more fun to play. i think, the most reason for it: the game is open source, everybody can easily do something. there are so may cool maps, so many awesome vehicles released and shared by the community - for free. so, if anyone comes up, and think, he found a way to earn money with it, i would never even think about paying that guy for anything. Thats my 2 cents, guys.

Moved to General Discussion in the english section - the ADDON BUSSES section is definitly the wrong place for it, dude. Wink
and remember - this forum will close soon, don't forget to register in the new one. Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 23:10

good to see this has been moved to the correct place, tho we really could do with a bit on the new forum called 'lets bitch and moan about omsi related stuff' it's be the most popular part of the forum Smile

deffo agree with what you said, the add on part of the game is open source... so to me that means anyone selling add ons for this game needs a licence from the games makers???
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 152
Anmeldedatum : 14.04.11
Alter : 33
Ort : Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeDi 6 Dez - 23:55

M&R license, right?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 642
Anmeldedatum : 22.07.11
Alter : 30

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeMi 7 Dez - 16:02

Zitat :

Here it goes :

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 01.12.11

Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitimeMi 7 Dez - 20:29

OK, thanks for moving it. I didn't know which section to ask in.

And I'll register for the new forum.
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Pay for the Lion's City??? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Pay for the Lion's City???   Pay for the Lion's City??? Icon_minitime

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Pay for the Lion's City???
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