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 Bus Stop Variables

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 37
Anmeldedatum : 07.03.11

Bus Stop Variables Empty
BeitragThema: Bus Stop Variables   Bus Stop Variables Icon_minitimeFr 12 Aug - 2:47


I have a couple of questions about the options that you set for your bus stop cubes in OMSI when building a route.

I have worked out roughly how the Min and Max passengers work in determine how many passengers are waiting at bus stops, however, If a bus stop is served by several different routes, are the min/max for each route, or the total for all buses serving that stop, and then split between each service?

E.g Bus stop has a value of 10 passengers, and 5 routes, will there be 10 passengers for each bus, or 2 buses for each passengers, making 10 passengers all together?

Also in my Scunthorpe V2 map, which I am currently working on, I have a bus stop which is served by 2 routes. I want most passengers to get on the first route, but very few to get on the second. Is there any way I can set this up?

Thank You
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 82
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.11
Alter : 37
Ort : Salt, Katalonien, Spanien

Bus Stop Variables Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Bus Stop Variables   Bus Stop Variables Icon_minitimeFr 12 Aug - 8:19

I'm working on a route too, and this is a question that rised to me some time ago. And my answer is clear: As far as I know, there is no way to set priorities or something like that into bus stops. I have a stop where some buses have only to unload passengers, and others have to load only, but there is no way to solve that. Also, about your other question, I think these 10 passengers are for every bus who stops there, no matter from which route it is. I see that when a bus from my 101 line loads people in one stop and, a couple of minutes later, when 102 arrives (101 is a short trip of 102), there are again these 10 (or whatever) passengers, traveling to any stop, served or not by 101 who passed little time earlier.

I hope any else have more optimistic answers, but that is what i've observed until now.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 37
Anmeldedatum : 07.03.11

Bus Stop Variables Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Bus Stop Variables   Bus Stop Variables Icon_minitimeFr 12 Aug - 15:58

Thanks for your reply. I might have a go at placing a seperate cube at each bus stop for each route, with the same name, and see if it can be done that way. Will let you know the outcome...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 82
Anmeldedatum : 09.01.11
Alter : 37
Ort : Salt, Katalonien, Spanien

Bus Stop Variables Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Bus Stop Variables   Bus Stop Variables Icon_minitimeFr 12 Aug - 19:03

mrmoose schrieb:
Thanks for your reply. I might have a go at placing a seperate cube at each bus stop for each route, with the same name, and see if it can be done that way. Will let you know the outcome...
That was my idea after seeing what was like the situation. Those cubes won't have to be very separated from each other (I think less than a meter of distance will be enough), but they will need to be different in any way so you can distinct them when you select stops in Tracks & Lines mode.
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Bus Stop Variables Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Bus Stop Variables   Bus Stop Variables Icon_minitime

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Bus Stop Variables
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