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 Mid-point layovers/connection stops?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 125
Anmeldedatum : 17.03.11

Mid-point layovers/connection stops? Empty
BeitragThema: Mid-point layovers/connection stops?   Mid-point layovers/connection stops? Icon_minitimeDi 5 Jul - 4:30

I'm working on making a sort of centralized terminal for my routes. Where majority of them would all stop at. what I'm wondering is, is it possible to make a bus layover at a stop beyond its final terminal?

What I'm trying to do is make it so certain routes would interconnect, as in line 1 will wait for line 2 to come into the terminal(assuming they are running on time). This is possible to do with the player controlled buses, but I want the AI to stay at a stop/station for more then enough time to load passengers and disembark them.

Another option I thought of is, would it be possible to cut a route in half, but not have ALL the passengers leave the bus at the terminal, say they want to go all the way to the 2nd final terminal, is this currently possible?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 270
Anmeldedatum : 20.12.10
Alter : 26
Ort : Depending on the time of the year, middle of nowhere or middle of nowhere

Mid-point layovers/connection stops? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Mid-point layovers/connection stops?   Mid-point layovers/connection stops? Icon_minitimeDi 5 Jul - 9:24

For the waiting... You could use the timetable profiles and adjust the timing just enough for the rt. 2 bus to come along and give you some passengers (which won't happen in OMSI, obviously, because OMSI doesn't exchange passengers between buses... yet?).

For the three terminals... You could put another red bus stop cube at the middle terminal (if I got you right) which would have, for example, 10 on the disembarking value instead of -1. Then some passengers wil stay in the bus while others might alight.
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Mid-point layovers/connection stops?
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