Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE)
3 verfasser
Anzahl der Beiträge : 53 Anmeldedatum : 11.03.11
Thema: Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE) Mi 15 Jun - 22:49
There are some passengers that pay you overmuch for a cheap ticket (e.g Kurzstrecke 1€ they give ya 10€), and:
-It is problem when you drive SD200,and Euro mod is not supporting 2€ :S -Nine tenth of that fares are WOMAN, plus they like YELLING when you give ONLY A FEW COINS MORE than normal! -This makes me sick when the passenger is that inconsiderate and understanding.
Is there a way to turn off the ticket-yelling ? I would pay 9x1€ for repay but I don't wanna get guilty by an arrogant woman (Yeah,I RARELY noticed a man giving me too much, and/or yelling afterwards
Anzahl der Beiträge : 26 Anmeldedatum : 02.06.11
Thema: Re: Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE) Do 16 Jun - 0:38
Benedettini schrieb:
There are some passengers that pay you overmuch for a cheap ticket (e.g Kurzstrecke 1€ they give ya 10€), and:
-It is problem when you drive SD200,and Euro mod is not supporting 2€ :S -Nine tenth of that fares are WOMAN, plus they like YELLING when you give ONLY A FEW COINS MORE than normal! -This makes me sick when the passenger is that inconsiderate and understanding.
Is there a way to turn off the ticket-yelling ? I would pay 9x1€ for repay but I don't wanna get guilty by an arrogant woman (Yeah,I RARELY noticed a man giving me too much, and/or yelling afterwards
Couldn't agree more mate, typical of women to f***ing shout at you for more change when you are halfway through giving it to them. I once got so pissed off with a woman pax that I just drove off without giving her all of her change lol, she just stood there going "Pardon?" until the next stop when I finally gave it to her and I made sure I only used the 10c coin so that she had a bloody heavy wallet! Those Berlin women are crazy about their change!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 67 Anmeldedatum : 04.05.11 Ort : Devon
Thema: Re: Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE) Do 16 Jun - 0:40
Mate I do that irl in me taxi.
You could shut them up though - voice files can be found in the ticketpacks folder.
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Thema: Re: Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE)
Money repay, Euro mod, SD200 bus and women passengers (TOTAL===> HERE)