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 I/O in an inlay version

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 270
Anmeldedatum : 20.12.10
Alter : 26
Ort : Depending on the time of the year, middle of nowhere or middle of nowhere

I/O in an inlay version Empty
BeitragThema: I/O in an inlay version   I/O in an inlay version Icon_minitimeSo 29 Mai - 20:02


I have wondered, whether it is or not possible to make an AI terminus in such a manner:
I/O in an inlay version Wjwyj
Red line - AI-CAR
Green line - AI-PED
Black fields - road
Beige fields - footpath.
The idea is that the bus takes a turn into the inlay, terminates there, does whatever the buses do between runs, reverses out using the outer path, and goes on out of the station. The left-hand-side lane is the usual through kind of lane, which is obviously possible, and done by me a good few times, in OMSI.
This thing is obviously able to be done when driving yourself (and might be fun - reversing, not the most common part of every-day driving) but AI might complain in one or another manner.

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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I/O in an inlay version Empty
BeitragThema: Re: I/O in an inlay version   I/O in an inlay version Icon_minitimeSo 29 Mai - 22:02

Not possible for ai buses to reverse unless you want to do some work with the ai
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I/O in an inlay version
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