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 Buses, cars, people etc all transparent

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 16
Anmeldedatum : 07.02.11

Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Empty
BeitragThema: Buses, cars, people etc all transparent   Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Icon_minitimeMo 23 Mai - 22:14

I havn't played OMSI for a whilst (mainly cos I've been busy) but I went to play it just now and everything (apart from buildings) was transparent, I couldn't see my bus, AI buses, cars or peds.. It's driving me mad, epecially since it's hard to know where the hell you are Neutral

Bus at the bus depot which is invisible apart from the lights
Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Upic8

Bus again at the depot, showing no other buses which should be there
Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Mvrzih

Bus parked on some road, no idea where..
Buses, cars, people etc all transparent V7xx7p

Stopped at traffic lights.. which are also transparent.. where the grass is, is infact a road... had to go round the corner for it to show.
Buses, cars, people etc all transparent 23w1e13

Also when I try to exit the game I can't I get an error, in german... and to close my game I have open the task manager which is a really annoying way of closing it.

Never had a problem with OMSI until now (apart from the exit game error, which i've had since getting it)

Edit: One thing I must say is, if I view the bus from inside, it's all fine (well the bus is.. everything else is still transparent)
Edit 2: I've just reinstalled OMSI with the latest verison but no luck, this really sucks
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 16
Anmeldedatum : 07.02.11

Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Buses, cars, people etc all transparent   Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Icon_minitimeDo 26 Mai - 1:12

Little update:

I messed around with the settings, like the visible distance, object size etc and is sort of fixed.. even tho I have the distance upto the max (5000?) some objects still only load until your basically right next to them, like the bus stops.. which sometimes I go straight past because they load too late. Also the mirrors have a static image as a reflection so I can't see car's going by unless I use F3 to see the outer view.

What can I do to fix this? Thanks.
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Marcel Kuhnt
Marcel Kuhnt

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Berlin-Spandau

Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Buses, cars, people etc all transparent   Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Icon_minitimeDo 26 Mai - 8:27

Did you try running as administrator? Else it can happen that OMSI won't save the settings and then such behaviours may occur. To reset the graphics settings, just load one of the given setting profiles!
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Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Buses, cars, people etc all transparent   Buses, cars, people etc all transparent Icon_minitime

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Buses, cars, people etc all transparent
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