Hello. I have problem whit my bus doors. They will not work so i ast do i need to add the animation in the 3d program in this case Blender or is it something harder if it is then what lines to i have to add to make bus doors work? Thanks
Anzahl der Beiträge : 247 Anmeldedatum : 08.07.09 Alter : 27 Ort : Ingolstadt (Bayern) [Deutschland]
Thema: Re: Problem whit bus doors. So 15 Mai - 7:09
You have to save the single doors in a seperate data. Then you have to open the model.cfg . Go to the line "doors" . There are the single doors. You have to set the position and the pitch and the Event.
Sorry for my bad english. I hope you will have sucxeeded.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3 Anmeldedatum : 28.03.11
Thema: Re: Problem whit bus doors. So 15 Mai - 7:34
So it is not possible to add a animation to mesh and then export the mesh whit its animation to omsi?