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 LED Displays?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 33
Anmeldedatum : 24.02.11
Ort : Monza (Italia)

LED Displays? Empty
BeitragThema: LED Displays?   LED Displays? Icon_minitimeSo 3 Apr - 15:06

I want to ask if it will be possible to create busses with led displays?
I mean, in the actual busses in OMSI there are only matrix displays, but in real world there are a lot of busses with LED displays, like the ones in my avatar.
It will be possible also in OMSI?
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Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Anzahl der Beiträge : 663
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11
Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

LED Displays? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: LED Displays?   LED Displays? Icon_minitimeSo 3 Apr - 15:41

Its possible as a modification of Matrix, you just need to create a new font in OMSI format and add your letters and numbers in a painting program, and then script the coordinates of everything
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LED Displays?
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