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 USB Steering wheel issue

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11

USB Steering wheel issue Empty
BeitragThema: USB Steering wheel issue   USB Steering wheel issue Icon_minitimeSo 27 März - 10:54

I've searched through all the threads on the forum to try to find a solution for the issue im having.

For some reason the brakes wont fully release until I apply a small amount of pressure on the pedal.

I have tried all the different settings, like changing to progressive, degressive etc, reversed and narrowed.

The best I have come up with is
X axis - steering- linear.
Z axis - throttle - progressive.
Rz axis - brake - progressive.

No other settings work.

The issue from what I can see is that when the brake pedal is in the natural position, the Rz bar is showing 49%. I'm assuming this is the reason why the brakes are partially applied all the time.

So the question would be, is there a setting I can change that allows the pedal the rest at 0%?

Any help is appreciated.
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Marcel Kuhnt
Marcel Kuhnt

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Berlin-Spandau

USB Steering wheel issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: USB Steering wheel issue   USB Steering wheel issue Icon_minitimeSo 27 März - 12:23

Did you use the AutoConfig-Tool? It seems that you have to use the combined axis "Brake/Throttle" for this "50% axis"!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 27
Anmeldedatum : 06.03.11

USB Steering wheel issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: USB Steering wheel issue   USB Steering wheel issue Icon_minitimeSo 27 März - 12:33

Thanks Marcel,

But I have tried the auto config, it doesn't set things up correctly. All the pedals become reversed.

Yes, I have used the combined brake/throttle, it seems to be the only option that works. Although i can only use the one pedal.

Maybe I need to invest in a much more expensive steering wheel.
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USB Steering wheel issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: USB Steering wheel issue   USB Steering wheel issue Icon_minitime

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USB Steering wheel issue
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