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 RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 30
Anmeldedatum : 22.02.11
Alter : 27
Ort : Somewhere...

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitimeDi 22 März - 19:43

I have recently started making maps for OMSI and really enjoy it but I have a small problem with one of the roads in my latest fictional village. The pedrestians seem to walk in the road in circles, delaying me as a driver and the AI traffic too. I have about a second when they are all on the pavement and the road is clear, but I end up 'hitting' one or two. Can anyone explain this?

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Helpomsi

Zuletzt von domo270897 am Di 24 Mai - 16:56 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 31.03.11

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitimeDi 24 Mai - 10:48

you can reduce this by clicking on traffic rules and click no unscheduled traffic and highlight the path they take to cross the road Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 30
Anmeldedatum : 22.02.11
Alter : 27
Ort : Somewhere...

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitimeDi 24 Mai - 16:56

antmc schrieb:
you can reduce this by clicking on traffic rules and click no unscheduled traffic and highlight the path they take to cross the road Smile

Thanks antmc, that solved it. Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 31.03.11

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitimeDi 24 Mai - 21:38

Smile glad to have helped Smile are you making a map?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 30
Anmeldedatum : 22.02.11
Alter : 27
Ort : Somewhere...

RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitimeMi 25 Mai - 16:19

antmc schrieb:
Smile glad to have helped Smile are you making a map?

50/50, the map is in very early stages, so there is barely any scenery; apart from the depot in the background and a shop at the end of this road Smile.

AI is working as planned but routes may need extending as 1.841KM is not an enough compared to other custom made maps (and the Berlin-Spandau map).

I may make a topic a bit later on but I also have very little time on my hands (I'm in full time education), so it may be some time before the map looks decent Smile
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RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?   RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this? Icon_minitime

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RESOLVED: Can anybody explain this?
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