Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way) So 13 März - 17:48
Excellent work David thankyou, I look forward to V3.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 100 Anmeldedatum : 28.02.10 Alter : 42 Ort : Canada
Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way) Mo 14 März - 4:07
Keep up the awesome work David and thank you very much.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 199 Anmeldedatum : 19.02.11
Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way) Mo 14 März - 6:46
Nice work David Looking forward to V3
Anzahl der Beiträge : 57 Anmeldedatum : 24.02.11
Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way) Mo 14 März - 8:18
MAN_SD200 schrieb:
I downloaded the map yesterday and it's f*cking awesome , but you should add some, er, street lamps? This is how you call it? (My English isn't too good, I know.) I want some of them, because at night it's very dark, and I must use long lights (?) to see anything , but then I dazzle/blind/daze* other users of the road. I know that there is no affect, but's very unrealistic. I'd make them myself, but the editor pisses me off , so that's I want you to add some.
* I don't know how it's in English "oślepiać", I translated it in Google Translator, tell me if I did any mistake, or tell which verb is correct in this case, cause it can be useful and I can make better notes in English lessons
I'd use dazzle personally, but blind would also be right. Daze
Anzahl der Beiträge : 401 Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10
Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way) Di 15 März - 10:48
@david rogers
Since you've been pleading with me the past few days for me to review your map, I did download it a few days ago, both versions and...
+ I love how the rushed schuedle works in one regard. It keeps you busy, and adds pressure + I like how you have developed many different parts of the city, added different challenges etc
- As mentioned above, the AI issue a fault. Two buses at once, and then another two. I know over here in Britain we seem to have a knack for producing buses like this (the whole none arrive for an hour and then 3 arrive at once joke), but it is a bit annoying. Make it every 20 minutes like driver timetables tend to be - Too many bus stops for my liking, as I believe someone else mentioned. Its like going around a square, there is a bus stop on every corner. Its not that realistic, and also theres always millions of people getting on and off. I know its a popular line but maybe not so much during peak times
I think I can learn a lot from this map, as much as you can learn from this map. Don't get me wrong, it is a fantastic little beauty, and its good its not 10minutes and a cheap tatty timetable like Pilzdorf. Just the AI!
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Thema: Re: RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way)
RELEASED: Dannenburg Map ("Line 4", 20mins each way)