Thema: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Di 8 März - 19:15
Hi all,
I thought I'd do a 'teaser' for my first OMSI map, which I hope to have finished in 2-3 weeks.
It's calle d "Dannenburg", and it's set in the (real) area of Dannenburg (Elbe) in Germany. The route is through real places, although the route service itself is fictitious.
Take the Service 4 from Dannenburg Centre to Langenhorst, via Schaafhausen, Tramm and Jameln.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 23 Anmeldedatum : 27.02.11
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Di 8 März - 21:29
I am looking forward. How many miles is the route?
Do you building custom scenery or are you using models shipped with Omsi? (Houses, buildings etc)
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Mi 9 März - 11:13
Hi - I think the route is around 5 miles and should take around 20mins from terminus to terminus, so aiming for it to be a bit longer than some of the 10min routes that we have at the mo!
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Mi 9 März - 22:21
- All of the road (splines) and intersections (objects) placed. - New AI List created. - Traffic paths and priorities set. - Bus stops defined. - Route path created. - Timetable created. - Rollblind .tgs files created. - Depot file created. - Map 'picture' file created. - Tests completed; The service runs correctly as AI!.... Passengers board the bus when the correct terminus is displayed on the matrix or roll blind!
All that is remaining to do is to set up all of the traffic lights ( ), and then populate the whole map with scenery (just 2 tasks but two very large tasks!).
This route has 20 stops and takes 17 minutes (in each direction, so a round trip Dannenburg - Dannenburg takes 34 minutes).
Anzahl der Beiträge : 121 Anmeldedatum : 25.02.11
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Do 10 März - 7:31
Sounds great, hope to see some pictures soon!
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Do 10 März - 12:38
For some reason I thought the creation of the traffic lights system was going to take a while, but it's actually really fast and intuitive in the OMSI Editor, thanks to the 'join to object' and 'parent to' features. So all traffic light sets done in 2 hours last night.
This isn't one of those 'twisty turny' maps, where all the action takes place across just a couple of tiles, you will really feel you are travelling somewhere on this map
Oh and I tested the 17 minute journey run - again, this isn't some map where its a 10 minute route stretched out to a 17 minute timetable, you will STRUGGLE to reach the terminus in 17 minutes! (But it is achievable). I tested a 17:00 tour yesterday and it took 24 minutes to get from one terminus to the other. (It's a very popular route with passengers! ).
The only tasks left to do is some traffic rules and then all of the scenery object. I hope to have the map finished in 1 week from now.
Cheers, David.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 512 Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Do 10 März - 15:57
Sounds great. Seems like Its straightforward for once to develop you're own routes. I'm gonna look into doing some of the routes based on the real BVG route with the help of some external sources!
If you need any help with sourcing material (which you probably have done already) Id be happy to help. Sounds very good. Don't rush it mate!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 100 Anmeldedatum : 28.02.10 Alter : 42 Ort : Canada
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Do 10 März - 16:07
Awesome. Looking forward to the release very much. Keep up the good work.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 26 Anmeldedatum : 03.03.11
Thema: Re: Coming soon.... Dannenburg! (Map) Do 10 März - 16:38
Are you making your own models or just using the ones already with omsi?
Thanks for the kind encouragement. My experience so far is that the OMSI Editor is far from intuitive and when you start out with it, it's error after error and problem after problem. However, I've found that once you learn to play by it's rules (official and unofficial), it's pretty powerful and my aim is for this Dannenburg map to be just as professional-like to use, as Spandau (an optimistic aim I know), albeit a shorter route for my first map.
I wouldn't say I 'like' the Editor now but having used it inside out over the last week (and more importantly having read the SDK manual cover to cover 3 times), I've definately 'made my peace' with the Editor.
I am not designing brand new 3D models for this map - that would be an entirely different undertaking altogether. However I am aiming that the map won't feel like a different layout of Spandau. It looks pretty original up to now.
The biggest bit of advice I can give to anyone using the OMSI Editor, is to do the following little 'fudge' practice, everytime you add, change, move or edit an object;
- After each action you take with an object, toggle away from the 'Object' tab to another tab (like the 'Splines' tab for example), then go back to the 'Objects' tab.
Why? This will take context away from the last object you worked on. (Ie.. it will 'un-highlight it). If you don't do this, trust me you are in for some frustration because time after time, you'll think you're adding a new object to your map but you will instead be accidentally changing the last item. Eg... So you've added a parked car, now you want to add a tree.... you hit the 'n' (new) button for the tree but instead of adding a tree, you've actually changed the last item (the parked car) into a tree!!! That happens a lot at first but by toggling away from the current page and then back to it, you can avoid this.
Just a tip
Here's a couple of pics to show Dannenburg Bus Stand in it's current (unfinished) condition. Sorry they are small!
Cheers, David.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 252 Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11 Ort : Brazil
David, I can't wait to drive on your map. And I agree with everything you said about the editor. I thought that it would be a pain to add all those traffic lights and scenery objects etc, but after some practice, everything becomes so "easy".