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 newbie question about different routes

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 09.03.11

newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitimeFr 11 März - 0:06


So i'm new on this game and I was wondering if you could drive other bus routes than only route 92?
There are other options, but it's -NOT-very clear to me.

Thank you.

Zuletzt von Jagermeister am Fr 11 März - 20:36 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 122
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11

newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: Re: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitimeFr 11 März - 3:47

Jagermeister schrieb:

There are other options, but it's very clear to me.

That`s nice, since it is all clear to you I don`t have to answer your question. clown

In fact you can only drive the 92. But you can also drive the 92E during rush hour and 13N in the night, both lines have different routes. Press ALT to bring up the menu and click on the clock icon, if you want to drive the 13N set the time somewhere after midnight or you can select morning or afternoon if you want to drive the 92E (this line only runs from monday till friday and not in holidays). After that bring up the menu again and click on the timetable icon to begin your duty.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 401
Anmeldedatum : 11.12.10

newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: Re: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitimeFr 11 März - 8:23

are you other options downloading the three free ones on website.

I must say that there are some great routes on that forum, so it would be worth a look if you wanted variety (although they tend to be a little shorter than the routes from MR Software)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 09.03.11

newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: Re: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitimeFr 11 März - 12:06

Hahaha yeah since it's very clear to me you don't need to answer this question lol!

I forgot to add: ''it's all not very clear to me''

Thanks for the reply's and I will check out that website!

Edit: Checked all three routes out. The only that I liked a bit is Dortmund.

Zuletzt von Jagermeister am Fr 11 März - 13:33 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 09.03.11

newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: Re: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitimeFr 11 März - 12:43

By the way, what is it with these people about their own language and stuff?
It's always in German or Czech? Can't it just be in english?
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newbie question about different routes Empty
BeitragThema: Re: newbie question about different routes   newbie question about different routes Icon_minitime

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newbie question about different routes
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