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 This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR

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4 verfasser


Anzahl der Beiträge : 113
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 36
Ort : Łódź

This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeMo 7 März - 18:22

Suddenly OMSI editor started to give me a integerüberlauf error. Stack overflow. Without any reason. And because of that i lost nearly +3 hours of work with a map. Also I can't make new crossing because they AUTOMAGICALLY snap to another spline, crossing, and I can't move it freely across the map. HELP please because im going totally insane!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 63
Anmeldedatum : 05.03.11

This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeMo 7 März - 20:01

In Eurotrucksimulator editor this error was caused because of too many items and objects placed on a place without giving a rendering bariere for it.

Idk how it is done in OMSI, but I pretty much think you reached the limits of the ammount of object to be placed (CORRECT ME IF I M WRONG!!)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 113
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 36
Ort : Łódź

This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeMo 7 März - 20:07

That would be silly. Berlin has more objects than my measly little map.
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This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeDi 8 März - 13:52

I honestly spend 50% of my time in the Editor getting various types of errors. Frustratingly, most are fatal and I have to close OMSI using the Task Manager, often losing work. Twisted Evil

It is also very frustrating that all of the error messages are in German. I appreciate it's a German-designed sim but I would have hoped to have had the error msgs changed to English in the English version.

I absolutely love OMSI but my experiences in the OMSI Editor are very different!

I built a whole small route last evening, and the final two street splines (it was a circular route) absolutely would not join together. I was either getting an error message, or else they'd join but leave a gap, which the bus would smash into when going over that section of street.

Ended up deleting all of the work as there seemed no solution after many hours.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 13
Anmeldedatum : 05.03.11

This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeSa 12 März - 12:51

Same problem here.

I started making one map, and this happened. At last I had no other choice then deleting it to fix the problem.
Then I started a second map to try again, and same happened.
What is really going on? Why is not everyone getting this error?

And is there a way to fix it?
Please help me/us!
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Marcel Kuhnt
Marcel Kuhnt

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Berlin-Spandau

This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitimeFr 6 Mai - 8:51

I understand it is frustrating... sooner or later we will try to debug the editor a bit...! Wink

Just a general tip: The most problems occour because of illegal schedule tracks/trips/line! So if your maps continues crashing, move everything from the TTData directory in another ("safe") directory and try it again. If the editor does not crash then, these traffic datas are invalid... unfortunately, you then have to build them new...
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This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Empty
BeitragThema: Re: This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR   This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR Icon_minitime

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This is an outrage. STACK OVERFLOW ERROR
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