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 Bounding box in Blender

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 252
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Ort : Brazil

Bounding box in Blender Empty
BeitragThema: Bounding box in Blender   Bounding box in Blender Icon_minitimeSo 6 März - 8:42

Good morning.
I'm a novice user in Blender, altough I had some modelling experience before using ZModeler and Sketchup.
I'm trying to make a test object (a little bus house) that has an interior, but the game is recognizing the object as a cube on its boundaries. In other words, it does not allow me to get into it.
Here is a pic of the model in Blender:

Bounding box in Blender Blenderz

Here is a pic of the game. I'm trying to enter in that "hole"

Bounding box in Blender Gameb

I've already tried to delete the bounding box that Blender creates, but this didn't solved my problem. I'm using in the .sco file:






I've tried to use [collision_mesh] and [nocollision] tags, but they also don't help me. I already tried to convert to O3D, but I got the same thing.
Any ideas? I think it's something easy. I tried to search in the german manual using a translator but it's quite impossible while I don't learn German. Laughing

Thank you!
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Marcel Kuhnt
Marcel Kuhnt

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3364
Anmeldedatum : 26.04.09
Alter : 39
Ort : Berlin-Spandau

Bounding box in Blender Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Bounding box in Blender   Bounding box in Blender Icon_minitimeFr 6 Mai - 8:10

It should work with


if you convert your mesh into o3d... but I am not sure if everything works good if you have used ZModeler/Sketchup because of different possible x formats and different orientations of the x/y/z axis! That's an important reason to use blender! Wink So if you convert the mesh into o3d, please also use this o3d mesh with the [mesh] command to check if everything looks good! Wink

But even if everything looks good, it could happen that the collision detection works not properly; unfortunately we had some troubles with it in the past...
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Bounding box in Blender
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