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 Black screen issue

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 13:49

After I play for a considerable length of time (about an hour or so), my screen suddenly goes black. The sim keeps running fine - e.g., I can still hear the sounds, the controls still work, and if I press ALT then the menu appears (and I can see it). But I cannot see anything, the display goes completely black. Does anyone else have that problem? Is there a solution for it? It is quite annoying at times to have that happen in the middle of the run. Maybe there is some secret key combination that will allow me to refresh the display driver in OMSI? It seems to be some miscommunication issue with DirectX...

Also, here are a few other issues that I've run into so far, if you're interested:

* When going to Freudstr, between Moritzstr and the Altstädter Ring and Moritzstr intersection if you drive in the right lane the passengers will complain for no reason
* Trucks would sometimes crash into me from behind when waiting at the Heerstr/Sandstr light, waiting to go left. Also, cars crash into your bus while waiting at the lights before the roundabout if you're standing even a few inches out of lane.
* Once while leaving from Freudstr, I advanced the time to get closer to my departure time, and the AI bus behind me which was canceled when I selected the timetable was suddenly 92 again and stole my passengers from the stop before I could collect them... Weird.
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Rüdiger Hülsmann
Rüdiger Hülsmann

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204
Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 14:04

You probably have an Nvidia card, don't you? In this case, the black screen problem may sometimes occur (though we haven't yet found out why). Anyway, with our upcoming patch, at least you will be able to restore the graphics card driver in-game so you won't need to restart OMSI.

As for your other issues:
1) Between Moritzstraße and U Altstadt Spandau the passengers most probably complain because you've hit the curb with your rear wheels.
2) Yes, in some cases, the AI vehicles don't "see" your bus if it stands a little off-lane. The best solution is to either exactly stay in lane or use two lanes if necessary. And always check the right mirror, too, when turning left, there's still a lot behind your rear axle that svivels out into the next lane.
3) This happens if you've blocked an AI bus which wanted to leave before you do. As the AI bus cannot overtake at the terminus, you'll either have to make room for the AI bus or change the ime using the menu. In this case, the position of the AI bus will be recalculated.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 14:21

Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
You probably have an Nvidia card, don't you? In this case, the black screen problem may sometimes occur (though we haven't yet found out why). Anyway, with our upcoming patch, at least you will be able to restore the graphics card driver in-game so you won't need to restart OMSI.

As for your other issues:
1) Between Moritzstraße and U Altstadt Spandau the passengers most probably complain because you've hit the curb with your rear wheels.
2) Yes, in some cases, the AI vehicles don't "see" your bus if it stands a little off-lane. The best solution is to either exactly stay in lane or use two lanes if necessary. And always check the right mirror, too, when turning left, there's still a lot behind your rear axle that svivels out into the next lane.
3) This happens if you've blocked an AI bus which wanted to leave before you do. As the AI bus cannot overtake at the terminus, you'll either have to make room for the AI bus or change the ime using the menu. In this case, the position of the AI bus will be recalculated.

Indeed, I have a 9800GT. Looking forward to the patch, then Smile

As for (3), I'm pretty sure that AI bus was the one I replaced, and it should have been cancelled... It was cancelled when I selected the timetable (it started it's engine and wanted to move away, but I was blocking it. The weird thing is that when I advanced the time (only by a few minutes!), it's display changed from nothing to 92, and the passengers just went into it. And then on Stadtrandstr it turned off the line to the right and disappeared. Suspect

Anyway, thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to the patch. Maybe the patch will also enable AI buses to overtake in the terminus?.. That would be great. Once I left a bus at Freudstr and later forgot about it, created a new bus, did a run from Stadgr. to Freudstr only to find 5 buses standing there in line behind my discarded bus, stuck forever! Laughing
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Rüdiger Hülsmann
Rüdiger Hülsmann

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204
Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09
Alter : 40
Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 14:50

Overtaking AI is a massive load of extra programming. So this won't be part of the next patch, but maybe we'll include this feature later (but no promise!).
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 512
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.11

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 19:46

jay_zhead schrieb:
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
You probably have an Nvidia card, don't you? In this case, the black screen problem may sometimes occur (though we haven't yet found out why). Anyway, with our upcoming patch, at least you will be able to restore the graphics card driver in-game so you won't need to restart OMSI.

As for your other issues:
1) Between Moritzstraße and U Altstadt Spandau the passengers most probably complain because you've hit the curb with your rear wheels.
2) Yes, in some cases, the AI vehicles don't "see" your bus if it stands a little off-lane. The best solution is to either exactly stay in lane or use two lanes if necessary. And always check the right mirror, too, when turning left, there's still a lot behind your rear axle that svivels out into the next lane.
3) This happens if you've blocked an AI bus which wanted to leave before you do. As the AI bus cannot overtake at the terminus, you'll either have to make room for the AI bus or change the ime using the menu. In this case, the position of the AI bus will be recalculated.

Indeed, I have a 9800GT. Looking forward to the patch, then Smile

As for (3), I'm pretty sure that AI bus was the one I replaced, and it should have been cancelled... It was cancelled when I selected the timetable (it started it's engine and wanted to move away, but I was blocking it. The weird thing is that when I advanced the time (only by a few minutes!), it's display changed from nothing to 92, and the passengers just went into it. And then on Stadtrandstr it turned off the line to the right and disappeared. Suspect

Anyway, thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to the patch. Maybe the patch will also enable AI buses to overtake in the terminus?.. That would be great. Once I left a bus at Freudstr and later forgot about it, created a new bus, did a run from Stadgr. to Freudstr only to find 5 buses standing there in line behind my discarded bus, stuck forever! Laughing

It's a timeout detection recovery bull---- with windows vista, microsoft thought it'd be cool to restart the GFX card (NVidia so far only have this issue) which causes the video to crash when frames drop below 10FPS, so when the system thinks the GFX card is not responding it has 2 seconds to reboot the GFX card without having to reboot the computer.

Also i read on Microsofts website that older DX9 programs that haven't got a remote access path written into the game will get the annoying crash. I switched back to Vista, nevermind XP can only read 3.00GB RAM not 8, 64bit OS's systems do not function well with Nvidia. My best bet mate is to partition your drive if you have it only for games and can spare 500GB HDD Space, id halve your 1TB drive and boot up XP just for OMSI.

Trust me, i did it and am never going back to Vista or any 64bit system.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 582
Anmeldedatum : 05.02.11
Ort : Denmark

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 20:53

Good that my future Sony Vaio has got an ATI card! Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Black screen issue Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitimeDi 1 März - 23:28

JunGRail schrieb:

It's a timeout detection recovery bull---- with windows vista, microsoft thought it'd be cool to restart the GFX card (NVidia so far only have this issue) which causes the video to crash when frames drop below 10FPS, so when the system thinks the GFX card is not responding it has 2 seconds to reboot the GFX card without having to reboot the computer.

Also i read on Microsofts website that older DX9 programs that haven't got a remote access path written into the game will get the annoying crash. I switched back to Vista, nevermind XP can only read 3.00GB RAM not 8, 64bit OS's systems do not function well with Nvidia. My best bet mate is to partition your drive if you have it only for games and can spare 500GB HDD Space, id halve your 1TB drive and boot up XP just for OMSI.

Trust me, i did it and am never going back to Vista or any 64bit system.

I'm not running Vista, I'm running 7, and 32bit anyway. And since this issue only affects OMSI, and only on nVidia cards, I am not inclined to blame windows for it. If anything, nVidia did a poor job with the drivers. I've run many games on my system, most run smoother on 7 than they ever did on XP. I used to have a dual-boot, too, but got rid of it when I realized I was booting into xp maybe once a month. I am not at all tempted to go back to XP, or have a dual-boot setup with it again. It's not worth two reboots every time just to play some.
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BeitragThema: Re: Black screen issue   Black screen issue Icon_minitime

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