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 New currency - Euro

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 293
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Ort : Osnabrück

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeFr 25 Feb - 23:51


as presented in the German part of the forum I created a small mod which adds the currency Euro to OMSI

New currency - Euro Thumbs_omsi-20110220-1407352New currency - Euro Thumbs_omsi-20110220-1416569

Included are the 10€ and 5€ bills as well as the 2€, 1€, 50, 20, 10 und 5 cent coins.

Download: gcW Euro Mod v1.1

There is one small problem with the mod. As there is no 5€ coin the mapping of the buttons is not correct in some busses. So this mod might be more interesting to those creating add-on busses that want to use the Euro as currency.

Kind regards,
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 36
Anmeldedatum : 16.02.11

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeFr 25 Feb - 23:55

Very Nice, Maybe i use it on my Bus from The Netherlands. One Question can you use this mod on a single bus? So that the other ones are still the same. So you get Euro's on my bus and the old money on the OMSI's official Buses?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 293
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Ort : Osnabrück

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSa 26 Feb - 0:00

From what I can tell no, as you have to define the currency in the global.cfg of the map.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 36
Anmeldedatum : 16.02.11

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSa 26 Feb - 0:37

seeadler schrieb:
From what I can tell no, as you have to define the currency in the global.cfg of the map.

Thats a pity. Maybe there is some sort of adding(Scripting) a second Currency in to the game. But that i think only the Dev's can answer that.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 132
Anmeldedatum : 06.02.11
Alter : 34
Ort : Denmark

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSa 26 Feb - 9:45

Thanks this is very nice
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 16
Anmeldedatum : 07.02.11

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSa 26 Feb - 16:52

I'd prefer GBP over Euros any day tbh since that's what i'm more used to, however I only just got used to the current coins and which is what etc and don't want to start from scratch again but thanks, might decide to change once I get to know OMSI more.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 293
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Ort : Osnabrück

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSa 26 Feb - 16:59

If there is demand, I might be able to create a GBP set. Just let me know.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 26
Anmeldedatum : 23.02.11
Alter : 33
Ort : Rome, Italy

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSo 27 Feb - 17:30

Very nice, thanks!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 293
Anmeldedatum : 18.02.11
Ort : Osnabrück

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSo 27 Feb - 17:34

There will be an update shortly adding a texture for the cash register.

New currency - Euro 1New currency - Euro 2
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 19
Anmeldedatum : 09.05.11
Alter : 37

New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitimeSo 4 Dez - 11:39

GBP <-- yes please! That would be great.
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New currency - Euro Empty
BeitragThema: Re: New currency - Euro   New currency - Euro Icon_minitime

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New currency - Euro
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