Would You like to see 16+ players in Multiplayer Added to OMSI.
[ 80 ]
[ 17 ]
Stimmen insgesamt : 97
Anzahl der Beiträge : 77 Anmeldedatum : 19.02.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mo 28 Feb - 22:48
I think multiplayer would be an excellent feature for this sim. Rarely do I ever fly in single player on Microsoft Flight Sim X - the multiplayer experience is what makes the game that much more exciting
It does take time and money to create this feature though obviously, so maybe this might be a nice surprise to see later on down the road.
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 1 März - 17:11
random.monster1981 schrieb:
Marcel Kuhnt schrieb:
Sorry, but it is just impossbile to implement multiplayer in this short time. And I cannot promise you that Omsi will ever have multiplayer.
That is really unfortunate
I think then, the only way this Simulator will survive is simply due to people making new routes and buses, but I feel it won't be anywhere near as much fun doing the routes all on my own with no other players to interact with
would you be looking to add multiplayer at some point Via a patch?
Ok, I know that was an old post, but you really CAN'T speak for everyone on these matter. I have no interest whatsoever in multiplayer in OMSI. Maybe it's my age or preferences, maybe it's because I don't see it as a game so much, but I'm happy with OMSI as a single player platform.
As well as those that would use the game in good spirit in multiplayer mode, I can just imagine all the idiots that would come onto the server, to "see how fast they can get the bus to go" and to crash into as many buses as possible. No thanks!
To question whether the game will survive because it's not multiplayer is miles off in my view. Just because you really want something, doesn't mean it's of equal importance to everyone else.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 238 Anmeldedatum : 06.11.10
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 1 März - 18:41
davidrogers schrieb:
random.monster1981 schrieb:
Marcel Kuhnt schrieb:
Sorry, but it is just impossbile to implement multiplayer in this short time. And I cannot promise you that Omsi will ever have multiplayer.
That is really unfortunate
I think then, the only way this Simulator will survive is simply due to people making new routes and buses, but I feel it won't be anywhere near as much fun doing the routes all on my own with no other players to interact with
would you be looking to add multiplayer at some point Via a patch?
Ok, I know that was an old post, but you really CAN'T speak for everyone on these matter. I have no interest whatsoever in multiplayer in OMSI. Maybe it's my age or preferences, maybe it's because I don't see it as a game so much, but I'm happy with OMSI as a single player platform.
As well as those that would use the game in good spirit in multiplayer mode, I can just imagine all the idiots that would come onto the server, to "see how fast they can get the bus to go" and to crash into as many buses as possible. No thanks!
To question whether the game will survive because it's not multiplayer is miles off in my view. Just because you really want something, doesn't mean it's of equal importance to everyone else.
Who said anything about a server? Player hosted would be fine, a maximum of 16 players would also be fine for a normal gamer to host with too.
Don't forget this is now the age of 50mb internet and some games soon to hit the stores will adopt 64 player online as standard ( battlefield 3 namely the first one )
Oh and as for idiots coming in and racing / smashing into other people, there's a solution for that, host = kick the idiot.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 270 Anmeldedatum : 20.12.10 Alter : 26 Ort : Depending on the time of the year, middle of nowhere or middle of nowhere
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 1 März - 18:56
I say that multiplayer is an add-on that developers can write if they don't know what to fix. So I say that multiplayer wouldn't be a bad idea but isn't necessary right now.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2 Anmeldedatum : 07.03.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 8 März - 9:53
Most of you around here seems to have little, if any, knowledge about how games are made.
You can't just "simply" add multiplayer. That's something that would have had to be implemented, included and developed around from the very first get go, as every, if not most, features would have to be written with support for this. If OMSI were build upon an engine with multiplayer support, and with a decent enough netcode to handle smooth driving then this probably wouldn't be too difficult, however as the game was made and build without any intention of implementing multiplayer, what you are asking for is for them to revamp the whole game.
I'm sure most of you mean well with your requests in regard to multiplayer, however to have them recreate the game is simply not an option. That being said, I'm sure if enough of their fans shows their interest they will consider it for their, if any, next game.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 59 Anmeldedatum : 23.02.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 8 März - 10:48
With all due respect, I don't exactly understand why you need multiplayer in a game like this. Well, I understand some people wanting to play games with friends, but to say something like "I would buy if it was multiplayer", meaning you don't want it if it's not, is what I don't understand at all.
I mean... In Flight Simulator multiplayer is really welcome if you want to play like a "pro", because while some people flight the aircrafts, some other play air controlers, so they guide the other players and organize who takes off, lands, etc... So basically you talk with another player controling your flying area, you ask permission, etc. (but even in this case, you drive alone for 10 hours)
In a train simulator, or bus simulator like this one, where you simply drive a bus ALONE, surrounded by traffic... why is multiplayer SO important?
The only multiplayer fun thing I would see here is that the game allowed people to play as a car, or even pedestrians, so maybe some driving-freaks like me would take a rest sometimes, or have some fun, driving a car. Who knows maybe even pulling in front of the bus like in reality (not harassing, just driving), or acting as a drunk driver, or even stopping at double line parking blocking the lane while you go to the kitchen to take another beer.
We don't have missions to complete here, we don't get bonuses, money, or whatever... Maybe you just want to be able to play on the same map with your friends, each one on a line but.. which is exactly the fun? I mean... you drive alone, you don't even get to see the other buses at all (just sometimes)...
Don't get me wrong, it's just that I don't understand at all this thing about multiplayer here.
And even if there were open servers with slots, like 13/15 meaning still 2 players can joing while 2 AI buses still drive... I don't see the point of seeing another bus and think "hey look, that's another player", if you are going to continue your way alone, speaking to noone... We don't have nothing to fight for... nothing to kill, nothing to achieve... just drive alone. Why see another bus that you don't care if it's AI or player, while also finding problems like connection lag, disconnections, etc?
Maybe I'm missing something. In this case, I will be glad to hear your thoughts.
And as I said on first place, I ask and say all this with all respects, just with curiosity.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 121 Anmeldedatum : 25.02.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 8 März - 11:52
They want to drive around like crazy in hordes, not follow the actual bus routes.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 02.03.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 8 März - 18:27
How about a different idea of multiplayer in OMSI? There could be an online feature in the simulator allowing people to create or join virtual bus companies, then take a bus that is available and do the runs assigned to them. People could also chat with each other and they could earn virtual money. It would be a lot of fun. You would not see other people driving in the sim, but you would take over the bus where and how the previous driver left it. Buses would have to be refuelled, washed, repaired etc.
Amy Rose
Anzahl der Beiträge : 663 Anmeldedatum : 13.01.11 Ort : Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 8 März - 23:20
Multiplayer wouldn't impact much, since instead of KI buses, you got up to 16 humans driving, but if you want multiplayer now, just open up msn or steam and take notes while doing rounds
Anzahl der Beiträge : 14 Anmeldedatum : 08.03.11
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mi 9 März - 0:01
I also don't see the need for MP here. It's not a race game. But I like Peters idea of virtual bus companies like virtual airlines concept is used. I haven't attached a debugger yet, so I don't know how hard it would be to readout the various variables so a tool like the VAFS (Virtual Airline Financial System) can be written for Omni. Such a concept would make much more sense than a MP feature. I did found a 'test' plugin which tells me it's not impossible.
A 'Bus company' consist of users (drivers). As each driver transports passenger the driver should receive a fee based on the distance (or amount of stations/stops) a passenger is moved. Making repairs costs you money. It's even possible to introduce some sort of rank system where you start with a older bus and get promoted if you drive safe, don't get too many traffic tickets and how you keep up with the schedule (not too early or late). Which each promotion you can drive a newer (better) bus which will increase passenger comfort. Such a tool can bring a gaming element to the simulator.
Another benefit of such a solution that the developers of the simulator can focus on the simulator (I like the fact they have spend a lot of time on the core of the simulator in stead of fancy menu systems like CBS) while the 'Virtual Bus Financial System' is written independently from the simulator where both have their own release/patch cycle.
If there's enough interest in such a tool I can work out some more details..
The Rock
Anzahl der Beiträge : 73 Anmeldedatum : 11.04.11 Alter : 37 Ort : Lisboa , Portugal
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mo 5 Dez - 17:52
Like some peoples said , multiplayer change a game alot , i think the creaters need to do MP and they will earn money and he will earn funny
Anzahl der Beiträge : 67 Anmeldedatum : 04.05.11 Ort : Devon
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mo 5 Dez - 21:52
Whilst it would be a nice touch, it would alter the tone of OMSI significantly. In my experience with most sims/games like this, if you open co-op modes, 95% of the players are idiots, are using inappropriate vehicle mods, or have stupidly slow computers or internet. I prefer the idea of birtual companies far better.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 300 Anmeldedatum : 12.05.11 Alter : 27
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 6 Dez - 17:52
All Due respect, a lot of people who play OMSI play to do schedules and be a proper driver, if multi-player was integrated i feel most people would continue doing as they do, add that to a Virtual Company (Like A Clan Tag on CoD & others) where you compete to be the best on certain map/s with other players, but... there'd need to be a lot more Administrators and Organisers to make sure that any Illegal (if you can call them that) drivers (who drive to cause crashes and put people off) are not in the game, which would be a massive problem for Rud and Marcel and the other administrators.
Conclusion : Yes, it'd be a good feature. Will it happen? No, because of the reasons stated above, Would i like it, Yes.
P.S thanks for reading
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476 Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11 Alter : 39 Ort : Hannover
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Di 6 Dez - 22:48
All in all, i already put up the idea for "semi-multiplayer"-mode - just as some of you suggest, me and my team are creating the "Bus Union Spandau". This will be a virtual company, with all the possibilities to use for "multiplayerlike" driving in omsi. such as an own program (the B.U.S client), own interface, website, forum, schedules, and all the thinks which are related to a transport company. you will find informations (in german only until now, i'm sorry) here in the forum PAUSENRAUM, topic BUS UNION SPANDAU, and in the new forum, too. maybe this could be something which gets you interessted. sorry for my english, guys
Anzahl der Beiträge : 300 Anmeldedatum : 12.05.11 Alter : 27
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mi 7 Dez - 9:08
835sedici schrieb:
All in all, i already put up the idea for "semi-multiplayer"-mode - just as some of you suggest, me and my team are creating the "Bus Union Spandau". This will be a virtual company, with all the possibilities to use for "multiplayerlike" driving in omsi. such as an own program (the B.U.S client), own interface, website, forum, schedules, and all the thinks which are related to a transport company. you will find informations (in german only until now, i'm sorry) here in the forum PAUSENRAUM, topic BUS UNION SPANDAU, and in the new forum, too. maybe this could be something which gets you interessted. sorry for my english, guys
Wow... This sounds amazing, I would love to see this in the game, maybe with possibility's for other Bus Unions, all with their own Repaints and Buses (would need more Addon/M-R made buses, but this is a possibility. Maybe, in a few months time - a years time this could be very possible, But, M-R would need to optimize the game so it runs better on every system, so users do not lag out any server/s
I Like this idea 835sedici
Anzahl der Beiträge : 642 Anmeldedatum : 22.07.11 Alter : 30
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mi 7 Dez - 16:03
Zitat :
Anzahl der Beiträge : 67 Anmeldedatum : 04.05.11 Ort : Devon
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mi 7 Dez - 19:46
Here's a suggestion: copy over the database to the new forum
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476 Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11 Alter : 39 Ort : Hannover
Thema: Re: Multiplayer Mi 7 Dez - 21:12
JDX schrieb:
Here's a suggestion: copy over the database to the new forum
How to? And, whatfor? ONE reason for the movement - cleaning up the mess! We got sooo many topics (esp. in the german section!) which are totally useless, twice, and so on... Or did u got a suggestion for a specific topic?