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 Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 533
Anmeldedatum : 02.03.11

Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible? Empty
BeitragThema: Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible?   Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible? Icon_minitimeMo 11 Jul - 14:46

Hello guys!

I've been wondering about one thing.
Is it possible to sell more than 3 tickets ? It's kinda boring for now and I'm going to create tickets according to my city but I can't figure it out.
Is there any script or something?

I've seen that school tickets can be sold for people between 6 and 13 years and adult tickets for people between 14 and 200.
But I haven't found anything about the age of passangers in files. Is it unused option so far?

I removed normal ticket, short haul ticket and day ticket and left only these school ones. But passangers didn't want to buy them anyway and asked about the day ticket. Then I had got an error "zuviff....' or something Laughing

Could anybody (Marcel, Ruediger, dudes) explain me how it works ?

And what about max. bus stops number for a ticket (I've found it in some file)? Does it work or not?

Thanks in advance for an answer !

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476
Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11
Alter : 39
Ort : Hannover

Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible? Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible?   Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible? Icon_minitimeMo 11 Jul - 19:39

Hello C.S.,

at this point, only these 3 tickets u talked about are "in sale". The other ones didn't work (at the moment). The "Ermäßígt"-Tickets are - as u said - for Kids, and, as u see - until now, there are no kids in omsi. Wink Maybe, one day, when some other pedestrians like Kids etc will be add to OMSI, these tickets will get a function! Wink

So far - i didn't use the ticket system anyway. Im my case, they all have "month-cards" ore somethink like this - or maybe - they get the ride "for free". Very Happy
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Advanced ticket selling - Is it possible?
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