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 Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Empty
BeitragThema: Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.   Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Icon_minitimeSa 28 Mai - 9:39

Hey everyone. Well, it's been a month since I recorded the sounds of a Mercedes O305 at the request of Pedro, who, ostensibly, is making a model of it; but Pedro disappeared from the forum and does not respond to messages, so I'm putting the sounds up for grabs.

I recorded sounds of three buses that day: a 1980 Mercedes-Benz O305, a 1969 Mk-II Leyland Tiger Worldmaster "Lark", and a 1962 Mk-I Leyland Tiger Worldmaster. All sounds are meticulously recorded using high-quality equipment, in 24 bits, 44100khz; with internal and external sounds for the buses available, including separated sounds for the dashboard switches. I used the original OMSI MAN sounds as a base for what needs recording, and recorded most sounds to fit that model - engines idling, then at different revs, then while driving, retarder slowdown (for the merc) and engine brake sounds (for the Leylands), gearbox downshifting, etc...

Here are a couple of short samplers:

Mercedes-Benz O305 Sampler

Leyland Tiger Worldmaster Mk-II "Lark" Sampler

Also, I have dashboard and external photos for the above three buses, and can make many more if anyone needs them for textures.

So, Model builders - contact me by email or PM to get all those awesome materials if you're interested in creating some models! santa
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 96
Anmeldedatum : 15.03.11
Ort : Newcastle, United Kingdom

Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.   Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Icon_minitimeDi 7 Jun - 22:06


I would like to know if you can create a leyland atlantean sound Please for Man SD84?

PS i dont create buses sorry.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 72
Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09

Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.   Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Icon_minitimeMi 8 Jun - 8:15

I don't really see the point. First of all, the Atlantean is a rear-engined bus, while the Royal Tiger Worldmaster is a midengined one, which makes them sound very different. We have a rear-engined Leyland Panther at the museum, which sounds altogether different from all the Tigers, and closer to the atlantean - only it is not running at the moment, it needs some work, so I can't record it. Secondly, and most importantly, the difference between the Leylands and the German VOV buses is as wide as the English channel for a fishing boat. They're completely different types of buses, different generations of design. The SD's have an automatic transmission while the leylands has a Wilson air-operated semi, they have an hydromechanic retarder as opposed to an engine brake, all matter of electric systems and driver aids that the simpleton Leylands do not... The sounds would simply be completely incompatible to the molds of the SD84, it would require a complete rewrite of the sound scripts. And that is a lot of work for just a sound replacement - it's not as if you're going to feel as if you are driving a Leyland with that VOV dashboard in front of your face.
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Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.   Have quality bus sounds available for model builders. Icon_minitime

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Have quality bus sounds available for model builders.
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