Thema: Is text size adjustment possible?.. Mi 23 Feb - 13:23
I'm asking a question of behalf of a friend who played OMSI at my place, was very impressed with it, and bought it. He complained to me that on his machine, the red text of the information string (shift+Y) is extremely small and he cannot read it properly. I'm guessing it is because he has a very high-res screen, on my screen with a resolution of 1440x900 the text size is fine, but he says that on his newer, higher-res screen it is hardly readable. I've looked through all the settings and didn't find anything to suggest to him. Is the text size adjustable though one of the scripts, or is it hard-coded into the program, which pretty much means there is nothing he can do?..
Rüdiger Hülsmann Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1204 Anmeldedatum : 25.04.09 Alter : 40 Ort : Potsdam-West, Berlin-Mariendorf
Thema: Re: Is text size adjustment possible?.. Mi 23 Feb - 13:30
The redline text is hardcoded so it cannot be changed easily. However, with the resolution of the text being constant on all displays, I wonder how it can be this small...I have a 24" 1920*1200 display and the text is the same font size as the normal windows dialog font.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 72 Anmeldedatum : 10.11.09
Thema: Re: Is text size adjustment possible?.. Mi 23 Feb - 13:48
Rüdiger Hülsmann schrieb:
The redline text is hardcoded so it cannot be changed easily. However, with the resolution of the text being constant on all displays, I wonder how it can be this small...I have a 24" 1920*1200 display and the text is the same font size as the normal windows dialog font.
I was wondering about that as well. I'm just relaying what he told me over the phone, and as he lives a 3.5hr bus ride away from me, I cannot really go and check for myself... I guess I'll tell him that it is the way it is, for now.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 17 Anmeldedatum : 24.04.11
Thema: Re: Is text size adjustment possible?.. Sa 14 Mai - 23:50
I once had this problem, it's simply because of the language settings for "non-Unicode programs".
Tell him to try changing it to "German (Germany)" (try English if it doesn't work) under "Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region\Region and Language\Administrative\Language for non-Unicode programs".