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 STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 12.07.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 9:07

I served in Hellenic Air Force and this is one of the buses they drive. Can I say the best because it has a strong engine (turbocharged) and gearbox with high - low. The body was built up to 1984 by the GREEK VEHICLE INDUSTRY based on the chassis and the engine of STEYR 91 truck. Therefore it had fewer functions than regular buses, most seemed to handle a truck. Anyway it was fun to drive it.

The real thing
STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St06

And in the omsi simulator
STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St2

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St1

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St3

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St4
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 582
Anmeldedatum : 05.02.11
Ort : Denmark

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 10:57

Hi. The quality looks good. Although, you could do something about the reflective windows (lower the reflection a bit?) and make the indicator light fields more realistic (new texture, etc.). Smile

Hope to see more "real" buses from you!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 303
Anmeldedatum : 19.02.11
Alter : 39
Ort : Göttingen

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 11:05

good work
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 68
Anmeldedatum : 31.08.10

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 11:44

Wow, it looks great!
Take your time with it. It's obviously a bus that means something to you, so don't rush it.

The only thing I don't like are the dahsboard indicators, they're way too bright, especially when they're off. Make them a bit darker, and add a bit of shadow inside. That should do the trick. Smile Also, the places in the dashboard where the switches go have all the same texture, which is the right way to do it, but I'd remove that black line. It makes the texture look wierd.

Other than that, it looks amazing. I love the radio Very Happy
Looking forward to see more from this bus.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 12.07.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 11:49

You are right. I will reduce the reflections at the windows. About the indicator lights, the textures are from the actual bus. The greek vehicle industry was bying gauges and spares from germany and austria, so the lights are quite same with the MAN lights. The problem that i have is the sound. The engine was next to the driver seat covered by a box, so the sound must be louder than the MAN and more pure. But still is a working project
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 559
Anmeldedatum : 04.04.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 16:34

WOW Shocked

very, very nice!!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 22
Anmeldedatum : 31.05.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 17:30

are you going to build an matrix on this bus?

great job Exclamation
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Anmeldedatum : 12.07.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 19:21

Thank you all
About the display i don't have an idea what to do. These buses never had destination signs because they used the armed forces (air, navy, army) on specific routes. The upper front part there was a sign that says POLEMIKI AEROPORIA (AIR FORCE in Greek). I don't want to spoil it. Any suggestions about the display?
All ideas are welcome.

This is the actual interior. Notice the high - low switch on the gear shifter and the engine position near the driver seat. Αs you can imagine there was a very loud engine sound near you. At the background you can see a Steyr 91 truck.
Both bus and truck shared the same engine and chassis. On the dash you can see that there was different switches. We used any switch we could find at the market.
STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) St7
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 317
Anmeldedatum : 16.04.10
Ort : South Wales, UK

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeDo 28 Jul - 21:35

Perhaps for the destinations you could have a board or piece of paper in the windscreen Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1476
Anmeldedatum : 21.02.11
Alter : 39
Ort : Hannover

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeFr 29 Jul - 14:03

good work, i really like this one!
display: why you just simply put a destination display into the right side of the windshield - thats the way i saw this sometimes. just a small one. Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1034
Anmeldedatum : 18.11.09
Ort : Bayern

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeFr 29 Jul - 17:30

Looking very good
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 01.09.11

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeFr 16 Sep - 12:13

Hello ..... this bus looking very nice .... cheers

ehm but can you tell me about the downloadlink ??
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Solaris Fan

Anzahl der Beiträge : 129
Anmeldedatum : 23.05.09
Alter : 31
Ort : Kassel

STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitimeFr 16 Sep - 12:23

Do you see a downloadlink???
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STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)   STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport) Icon_minitime

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STEYR 91 BUS (personel transport)
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